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Everything posted by stevepeck1

  1. Hello all, I have a unique situation. Have a company that as part of our job, we make inspections through residential neighborhoods. We write up violations of community rules and send letters. (Yeah, I know. We hate it too) We drive a company Prius slowly through each neighborhood and pause to write. I would like to have a small-footprint DVR (to go in the front passenger floor) or any size one with a remote that would be fine in the rear cargo area that could be started and stopped as we enter and leave each community. Ideally it would have a ridiculously large data capacity in excess of a month (weekday visits last about 4 hours a day so that would be about 84 hours/month) so that we needn't worry about data overwriting. We would want very good-quality daytime cameras for images out to 60 feet that would do basically google maps quality images but a little better, perhaps to be able to read a street sign as we go by. We'd want to mount cameras on suction type "cop" mounts to cover front and sides, or clamps to grab bars. Not picky on this point. What's fairly important is being able to pull pictures (maybe video?) off it without having to disassemble everything. Maybe by a usb drive or memory card something. I can see most DVRs being a huge pain when some person says "I mowed my yard" and I need to prove otherwise. Of course I recognize there would be an inverter required and some mental gymnastics on camera mounts. My budget is under $1,000 but preferably less (of course). Sincerely appreciate ideas! -Steve
  2. stevepeck1

    Need advice on camera/DVR to go in a car!

    I appreciate these thoughts but I am trying to get a hard left and hard right view from at least two cam angles. One person on eBay has this and it would seem quite easy to add two cameras... just thought folks might recommend something even more specific. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230355751592