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Everything posted by cantrj

  1. I am trying to recover video from a 9hour VCR tape that was recorded in a 3 second sweep through a 19 camera system. This was recorded from a Robot MV16i Multiplexer / NLMD9 Remote Control Panel system onto a standard Sanyo VCR. We have taken the 24hour tape for the day we are trying to re-witness but when we play in a regular VCR we get nothing. Does the playback of this system require to be done on the system itsel,f or does this mean the VCR was not correctly recording from the multiplexer?
  2. The tape is a nine hour VCR tape. I am told that this will record a 24 hour period of 3 seconds time spans through all 16 cameras. In a regular VCR playback produces nothing but blue screen. I guess my question is if you need a time laps VCR to view or a multiplexer to view well have do people bring this type of evidence to court? Can one rent this type of equipment or is purchasing this hardware the only option of viewing this evidence off site from its original recording station?