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Posts posted by Campbell

  1. Hello people.


    Its all sorted now.


    The problem i was faced with was the fact the PC had set its ip to /


    The SMC Router im useing is


    So i forced the PC to an IP of /


    This seems to have solved the DRM fail notice and works.


    One issue i have found is that the Cameras seem to change there IP even though i have set them to a specific IP in each cameras settings.... I will pop back tomorrow and resstart the PC and see if it boots up fine with the correct IP's.


    i must thank you all for the help given


    Make sure you hit apply and save and stuff after setting the IPs.

  2. I use one in my house. They are a tad bit larger than typical 'indoor' cameras, but in my opinion thats not what makes it look bad. It's the color, if you ask me. I prefer white to gray. But its not *that* bad. I think you can't beat it for the money.


    That said, I have mine in my basement. I would *not* put that camera in my living room, because it looks to intrusive and stands out too much with the gray color.


    Agree with this. The 8133 is a little less intrusive and it's white.


    The Supreme Range model is white though, but more expensive due to the eWDR

  3. So im at the point that i cant set the IP of the other 5 cameras and check the connections because i cant get IW2 to work.

    Without it i cant get the cameras in the program to use them.


    So Vivotek's configuraiton software refuses to work unless it can "phone home" over the Internet? How annoying!!


    The good news is you don't need to use any special software to set up an IP8332 camera - just assign each one a unique (and fixed) IP address via your DHCP server and then connect to each one with a web browser. Hopefully your NVR software isn't also going to insist on "phoning home" before it will work...


    The bold part ... what?


    That's completely and utterly incorrect. I've set up hundreds of Vivoteks using the IPwizard without a net connection.

  4. this means analog

    Yeah, we were considering that because the chairman wants local recording... hybrid DVRs can mix and manage both IP and analog and then stream the data right?


    Thanks for the advice people, you've given me a lot to chew on. Our goal was (is) to keep the system as simple and streamlined as possible running from a remote central surveillance console without having to get new server hardware. Bandwidth is indeed going to become one of the main issues.


    Doesnt have to be an analog solution. The local recorder will compress any stream.

  5. I don't recommend the offsite recording. As wireguys says above me, you'll kill any regular internet connection trying to do it. This doesn't factor in data costs etc.


    You're best to have a local DVR/NVR which you can access with a CMS. This will enable him to live view/view recordings without the bandwidth issues.

  6. Clarify: the web browser no longer works on the local network?


    By any chance was the DVR set to DHCP..meaning it got assigned a new IP address? Can a local PC ping the DVR?


    If you're seeing the mobile page and not the regular browser, that sounds like something on the DVR did not start. I would double check both the Geovision settings ( to make sure web server is enabled) and also look at Windows event logs on the DVR to see if something is failing, software wise.


    I checked on the services. All seem to have started.

  7. I'm rebuilding my house.


    I had an old 1480 Geo system which I hooked up and threw a few cameras around the site.


    When I hooked it up, everything was hunky dory. Multiview, browser viewing all worked. A few weeks ago it had to be moved. Since it's been turned back on, Multiview no longer connects and using IE/Chrome/Firefox etc, it directs me to the mobile client of the DVR but won't connect to any cameras (either from my phone or browser). CMS works fine though.


    The net connection is through a Huawei 3G modem which has all the appropriate ports forwarded and the firewall is down. So I don't know what's wrong.


    Please lend me your expertise fellas

  8. I have used several brands of IP cameras and all can be set up without the use of special software (they get an IP address via DHCP, and then you log onto the embedded web server to configure the settings).


    Name some cameras you can setup without software in a static IP environment.


    If you only do a few cameras at a time then good for you. Try doing a job with hundreds of cameras from a web browser and constantly changing the IP address of your laptop.


    All of them. It's just a lot easier to use software at times. Vivotek for example, doesn't have an incremental IP changer in its camera finder software which means that you have to manually configure each one.

  9. I've developed my own program with different integration modules - the general idea is to offer out-of-the-box solution to the customer - almost 80 % of current POS software works with our program without any further customizations. I'm not bound with Geovision either - there is no reason we shouldn't be able to integrate various different interfaces.


    Dropped you a PM. Be interested to see what you have on offer.

  10. Stuff


    When you say integration software, what do you mean by that? Have you developed your own program or you've found a non proprietary way of putting text onto a Geovision system?


    I'd wager on the former because most companies doing the POS overlays these days require licenses for the POS overlay systems now as well to stop the above.


    FWIW I use the NUUO POS box system which I find to be a lot simpler than the GEo version.

  11. Its a really rough neighborhood. People break in for the register. There are some lights left on after closing.


    Overlay box wont work. They r using old school cash draws.



    Does the Sayno 2300 comp w/ IR case?


    You leave money in the tills overnight?! Lighting should be enough at any rate.


    IN regards to the POS boxes, any till that can handle a receipt printer can work with those overlays.

  12. If its in a retail store, why do the cams over the registers need to be D/N? Are they going to be doing transactions in the dark?


    If you're going with NUUO and you're putting cams over the tills, you may as well check out NUUO's SCB-C31a POS overlay boxes too. I can get them here in Aus wholesale at 350 each.


    My choice for all that given that I think Areconts are overpriced. YOu should be able to get a Sanyo 2300P for very cheap since theyre in run out at the moment for the front door.


    For the back delivery dock, Id use a vivotek ip8362


    And for the cams over the tills, maybe some Vivotek MD7560s for low profile slim unobtrusive cams. I dislike domes as a general rule because they're giant ugly things.
