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  1. You need to open the unit and put the unit in Bootloader mode by shorting out the jumper pins, can't remeber which one as depends from board to board try J2. Fit a new HDD first. Using a serial connection. get onto the command prompt . At the prompt type. up towngirl format c: y this will format it FAT32. The use the normal DM upgrade procedue to put the software back on. It has to be in bootloader mode for it to work. Don't bother with cloning HDDs' or Formatting externally. Get the DVR to do it. If you type Help it tells you all the commands. This is for the OLDer DVT platforms with 3.1 (XXX) firmware. New M2IP units just type fdisk /HDD0 again if you get stuck type help.
  2. grrr009

    DS2 password reset

    All these commands are done via the serial port. Works for any 3.1 (xxx) DVTR, DVTX, DVTU, D4LU hardware platforms. I am not going to explain how to connect the serial cable, use Hyperterminal or Putty. Finding out the Installer or User Password 1. Using Terminal Logon to the unit. login admin admin 2. Cd nvdata 3. Setup hyper terminal or Terminal to capture text. 4. type dsmkii.txt (The file name maybe bx2.txt), type dir to find the name of the txt file in the directory. 5. stop capturing the text. 6. Open the saved Text file. 7. Search for the word ‘password’ 8. You will find 2 lines that will look like this: sys_menu_password=31,39,37,36,00,00,00,00,00 installer_pw_state=00 installer_password=00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 9. In this sys_menu_password sting or installer_password string remove the number 3’s. This will now be the code. E.g. 1976. 10. Go into the Installer menu using the code and remove the USER or INSTALLER passwords. Removing the Installer & User Passwords 1. Put the unit into Bootloader by shutting down using camera 8 or 2. Or shorting correct Jumper. 2. 3. up towngirl 4. nvmdir bb_ram0 5. Check the directory list for 6. nvmdel bb_ram0:sysdata 7. nvmdir bb_ram0 8. Check that entry #, sysdata has been deleted. If not repeat steps 6 - 7. 9. cd nvdata 10. dir 11. Check that the file dmskii.txt is present. 12. erase dsmkii.txt 13. dir 14. Check that dsmkii.txt is erased. 15. reset 16. The unit will reboot back to normal operation mode. Resetting the Network Passwords 1. Put the unit into Bootloader by shutting down using camera 8 or 2. Or shorting the correct Jumper. 2. 3. up towngirl 4. cd etc 5. sattr realms.txt –r 6. sattr users.txt –r 7. erase realms.txt 8. erase users.txt 9. dir to make sure the files have been deleted. 10. Reset 11. The unit will reset and create new files with the default user names & passwords (user password / admin admin).
  3. grrr009

    DS2 password reset

    Password only works on the INSTaller pasword and not the USER password. So will only get past the installer password. This is a bit of a pain if you have only set an USER password up. But you should have both levels of passwords or at least the installer one. PS this is fact. and only works on 3.1 (XXX) DS2, D4 etc. units.
  4. grrr009

    Dedicated Micros LOST PASSWORD

    When the unit has firmware put on the unit the file is called disk.zip. This is ftp'd to the unit as part of the upgrade. Then the unit is rebooted, once rebooted is sees the disk.zip in the root of the c: drive and extracts the contents. Once it has finished extracting and checking it simply renames the file donedisk.zip. If it didn't rename it each time the DVR restarted it would put the same firmware back on to it again and again. so in effect it is a copy of the original firmware file put on the unit. Hope this helps...
  5. grrr009

    DS2 HD Mystery

    This error means a video index error as the HDD has problems recording the video. Suggest try new external PSU as this might not be right after the power outage.
  6. grrr009

    Dedicated micros BX2 CA

    Even if the HDD has gone you still get something on the main monitor. If the CA unit should have a meaning full display also .. To me it sounds if it is a Hardware issue. Suggest send for repair.
  7. Simple solution. In the INSTaller menu there is an option for timed expiry. This will not allow the user to view any video after a certain time period e.g 1 hour. Set this to 1 hour. Fit a camera with a lens cap on, or no lens. Leave for 1 hour. Disable timed expiry. You will now only see the last hours of footage of basically nothing. Remember to turn timed expiry off or the DVR will record only for an hour...!! Let us know how it goes.
  8. grrr009

    dm sprite 2 not recording

    Go into to the INSTaller menus and check that you have not protected all the video. You just need to unprotect it. This allows video to not be over writtern e.g you want to keep it because of an incident. Can you tell me where you see this 99% full indication.
  9. If the DVR is a Digital Sprite 2 model with a silver front and 3.1 (XXX) software the unit will auto-detect the video standard on power up. It looks at the cameras connected and makes a decision. Make sure you have a couple of cameras connected and decent video signals.
  10. The unit has lost all it calibration data in it NVM e.g what it is, MAC address etc. So will need to be returned for repair. Hope this helps.