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  1. Would the Cisco SF300-24P do the trick? I have the same question and that's what I've been looking at.
  2. Vaunt

    Bandwidth calculations? Synology NAS?

    Thanks very much for the insights.... I noticed that the QNAP NVR wants a monitor there to use the video inputs. I'd rather have a NAS that I can access from anywhere on the network. Is there some kind of bandwidth reason that NVRs (i.e. a baby PC) are more effective than NAS?
  3. I'm designing a system with a capacity of ten 1080p resolution IP dome cameras. They each have a 10/100Mb interface, which will go back to a 10/100/1000 switch. The switch will talk with my NVR. 1) How do I calculate the expected bandwidth needs of a given camera? Obviously too much data will overwhelm the NVR. I assume that since each camera is max 100Mb then 10 are ok on a 1000Mb network. I'd like something a little more rigorous if possible (I have a MS in physics and like equations). 2) I couldn't find anything other than a passing reference to Synology's NAS box being used as a NVR. That was kind of my plan. Does anyone have anecdotes? Thanks for the help, I'm a newb.