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Everything posted by RichTJ99

  1. The mobile i am using seems to max out at 320 pixels, is there a way to increase the jpg size? Similar to how you can increase the video size from 352 to 704 pixels?
  2. The mobile phones use the Mjpeg format (rotating jpgs) not video, you are correct about increasing the res for video though.
  3. Hi, I have the firmware file, but when I log into the camera, I see firmware in tools, but I dont see anywhere to actually do a firmware update. What are the steps involved? Thanks, RIhc
  4. I have the utility installed GV IP Device Utility. I dont see anywhere in the app that has to do with firmware. Any ideas where it would be?
  5. Its not only the quality of the jpg, its the resolution. For example, I have a GV BL120D ip cam (Geo), if you go to the web interface, you can set the jpg resolution for 640x512 when using their android geo app you can see a large difference in quality due to the higher resolution. My phone has a 800x600 (roughly) resolution & seeing a jpg at 320x220 looks bad, 640x512 looks better.
  6. I have a geo 1480 card.
  7. RichTJ99

    Andriod HTC thunderbolt cellphone remote access

    Geovision has an official one on the market, but I really like the IP Cam Viewer. THey have a free 4 cam version & the full version is 10 bucks I think. Its great!
  8. RichTJ99

    IP Camera Supported List

    I am thinking of buying a cheap PTZ IP cam to play around with. I thought Geo allowed 8 non-geo ip devices for free but you need a usb dongle. My distributor told me I need to buy a license to use it. I have a 1480 card with 8.4 & a Geo IP cam (which I think gives me more licenses also). Does anyone know the real story?
  9. This might be the winner - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833127227&Tpk=N82E16833127227 128, 64w total (giving all 4 ports 15.4), lifetime warranty!
  10. Hi, I am looking to get a POE switch. I currently have 1 IP cam. http://www.geovision.com.tw/english/Prod_GVIPCAMBL120D.asp I cant tell what the power usage is on it. I think its 12, but it might be 15.4watts. I was looknig for a cheapie POE switch to test out but the cheapest one I found is 70 bucks & only does 30 watts of POE. I think it might be too small.
  11. Im debating trying this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833156229 i should be able to squeeze two cameras out of it at 12w each. I would prefer something that had 4 ports & 15.4 w per port but I cant seem to find that in this price point (or close to it). EDIT: This might be better: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833122152 38 w total, so 3 12w cams would work.
  12. Im on the fence here. I have one IP cam (Geo BL120D) & I would like to try out the POE to see how well it works. I already have 14 cams at my location & I doubt I need to many more but I would probably buy the 'cube' once its out to see how well it does. With that in mind, I dont think I will need to add multiple IP cams until they come way down in pricing. Is there a cheaper 'tester' POE switch that would do 3-4 Geo cams (they are power hungry)? Thanks, Rich
  13. I tried the android geo app, and the android geo app called IP Cam Viewer, itouch geo app. Again, they look pretty decent in IE, but mobile is pretty pixelated.
  14. RichTJ99

    GeoVision Fisheye Camera - Video

    I was looking at that as well. I was curious, can you zoom on the camera as well? Is it noisey when its moving around? I dont suppose theres a way for it to just keep moving around until it seems motion? Meaning, wherever you leave it, thats where it records?
  15. RichTJ99

    So i have the Android Geovision beta...

    They did have a horrific blackberry app which did work. It was almost unusable, i would say it was unusable but it did connect. I had it working with a BB curve. It wasnt fun but it was there. Did it stop working in more recent revisions or is Rim in Canada blocking the ports?
  16. I wish i could say its as polished as the Iphone app but its a good start. Since its a beta, I am still hopeful on the final product. I hear its supposed to be out at the end of the month. At least its working vs the broken Iphone app in 8.4
  17. RichTJ99

    So i have the Android Geovision beta...

    While I dont want to compare the Geovision beta to the Total Control App, the total control app is much much better. Support for landscape (none in GV), full screen (none in GV - on my Evo), full screen stuck in portrait mode (not in Total Control), better swapping to different cameras (just a better use of bandwidth imo). I am very impressed with Total Control App. I realize a beta isnt a final product for Geovision, so I am hopeful for the future though I wouldnt expect the next version to be out for months.
  18. RichTJ99

    Private or Public Static IP

    Are you guys saying that Geovosion has a built in DDNS function? Where is that option in the software?
  19. Hi, I need to put a cheap computer together for a client who wants a GV800 card. I was looking at the $550'ish Dell vostro. It has 2 PCI, 2 PCIX (1x, 16x) in terms of ports. They only offer Windows 7 (RIP XP). I would prefer XP but the client is on a tight budget so theres not really an $$ room to reinstall windows on it. Are there any issues with a Vostro I should be aware of? Thanks, Rich
  20. RichTJ99

    gevision 8.34 windows mobile problem

    Are you using the latest Gview application? I think it came with 8.3.2.
  21. I am downloading it now from Geovision I am hopeful I can now run geovision on Server 2008, that will solve a load of problems for me! http://www.usavisionsys.com/aboutUs/events.php?e=36
  22. RichTJ99

    Geovision 8.3.3 released - 64 bit support claimed

    Anyone else finding that 8.3.3 uses an ridiculous amount of ram on Win7 64? After a few days, its using 1.2 gigs (yes gigs) of ram. My system has 12 gigs, so its not a problem but it seems a bit bloated to me. I have seen it as high as 2.5 gigs too. Note: No one is on the webcam either.
  23. Looks like I am going to be trying an android phone in June. Geovision tech support said they will have an android app out in the next release.
  24. RichTJ99

    Geovision Software Issue?

    I would be happy to help if you want. Rory was a lifesaver getting me started & setup the first time (times actually).
  25. Hi, I am looking at maybe getting a new phone. I was curious if there are any rumors of a WebOS or Android application in the works. THanks, Rich