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Everything posted by bluegill

  1. Hi everyone. I have been reading/researching for a couple of weeks now. Trying to decide what I need to set up a system for my home. I need a 16 channel system with about 10 of the cameras being outdoor day/night. I want to wind up with a very good system, but am having trouble figuring out what products are good and what isn't. I am open to either a stand alone or a pc based, analog or ip. I just want to end up with a system that performs well. I don't have a budget set in stone, but would like to keep it around 5-7k. I will be doing all the install myself and am not interested in hiring a "pro". I am very particular when it comes to drilling holes and running wires in my home. It saves me and the installers alot of headaches if I just do these kind of things on my own. Any advice you can give me would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  2. bluegill

    Need advice for a good home system

    Thanks to both of you for the very informative answers. I'm not stuck on any name brand or looks. I was just surfing around the net trying to find others in the ballpark with the Avermedia. The Samy just "looked" to be close. I really could not care less what the unit looks like, it will most likely be hidden away anyway. I was even wondering what the difference between ips and fps when I saw that in the specs of a lot of the systems offered out there. That's why I posted here though, because I am admittedly a "D type DIY" and would like to minimize the mistakes before I purchase something. Still not stuck on standalone either. I would think I could use a UPS system to get around the power outage issue, and could see where a UPS would be a plus to either PC or standalone. I would consider myself above average when it comes to PC setup and building. By no means do I claim to be a pro, but I am fairly confident I could setup a PC based system and get it working. I'm sure I'd have to learn a few new things along the way, but that's not all bad either. Once again, thanks to everyone for your help.
  3. bluegill

    Need advice for a good home system

    That seems to be a pretty decent unit. If I'm understanding everything correctly it records 240fps at full D1(720x480). I does lack HDMI out, and I can't seem to find the max resolution it will display. I guess 1920x1080 out is not really needed, but what be nice to have. Especially if I went with some HD cameras in the future. Can anyone recommend any other units as good or even better than the Avermedia? Maybe with HDMI out and a full 480fps at D1, not 4CIF. I looked at the Samsung SRD-1670, which claims to record at 480fps at 4CIF(704x480). I can see from the link above that compares frame rates that 30fps per channel at full D1 may be overkill, but I just want to weigh all my options before I make a decision. I would think the unit should last for several years and would like to stay as close to the top of the technology as I can, but still stay within reason on the cost.
  4. bluegill

    Need advice for a good home system

    Wow, lots of good information. Thanks for link comparing frame rates. That helps a lot. bpzle, I know 16 channels sounds like a lot of cameras, but I've got a 4 acre property with about a one acre lake. The house is roughly 3000sq ft, and also have a garage about the same size. As I said I'm looking at about 10 cameras to cover the exterior doors, driveway, and backyard. I know the cameras covering the back yard are not going to really help identify someone, but I still want to be able to see what's going on there when I'm not around. I typically am on the road chasing Nascar about 15 weekends a year and want to be able to see what's happening while I'm away. Oh, and I saw the DIY thread, I had to pick type D. If my budget is to big, I don't have to spend it all. Although at the end of the day I want a reliable system that has good picture quality. Another question about standalones compared to PC based. Say I am out of town and the electricity goes off for a period of time. When to power comes back on will a standalone boot back up on it's own? Or would someone have to turn it back on like a normal PC. Can a PC based system be configured to reboot on it's own? I've never had a PC that would, but I can see how that would be useful in this situation. Once again, thanks for the help everyone.
  5. bluegill

    Need advice for a good home system

    Thanks for the input thorsurveillance, Have a question concerning the "decent resolution at least D1". Am I going to find anything that does better than 7fps at D1 per channel on a 16 channel system, or is this about the max for standalones in my price range?