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Camera Man

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Everything posted by Camera Man

  1. Hiya folks, Long time.... So I have an issue. I have an oooooooold DVR, a Qsee qsc9004. The unit has been fine for years, no complaints for it gets the job done for me but something weird has cropped up. One of my outdoor cameras failed a year or 2 ago, so I replaced it with a CNB VBM-24VF. Everything worked fine till today, I logged in via an app on my phone: Night Owl lite and asee on my ipad. I haven't needed remote viewing for a while, but I do now. In the past, when the other outdoor camera worked, I used to periodically login. With the new camera, when I login remotely to view the camera feeds, something goes wonky in the unit. The camera numbers and time disappear of the screen (monitoring the DVR directly with a connected LCD monitor where it is installed) but the video feed remains on the screen. The mouse pointer disappears and I have no access into any menus. Sometimes I will get a feed for a brief amount of time. If I logout and log back into the DVR, there is no connection and the DVR is in the state as I posted above. If I disconnect the CNB VBM-24VF, everything works fine. I've checked to make sure the baud rate matches the unit and it does, but I am not sure what else to check. I've been searching for an answer for the past 3 days and the only solution I've come up with is to not use the CNB VBM-24VF since I can't seem to find anyone else that has had a similar problem. I really like the CNB VBM-24VF. Does anyone have any idea why it would freeze a DVR when connected AND a remote viewing session is initiated? As I said, if I don't login via an app on my ipad or android phone, the DVR is fine. The only other solution I came up with is a new DVR, but I would like to avoid spending the cash if possible. Thanks for any help.
  2. Awe, anyone? Jim, Frank, Dennis?
  3. Hi Dennis, Ok, I reformatted the drive, restarted the unit (powered down then back up) and the problem remains. Oddly, in the evening after I did the format, the dvr functioned via remote view. I must have logged in and out about 20 times with 2 different devices even simultaneously viewing the feed. The following morning, back to lockup. I do have the dvr set to reboot once a day.
  4. I swapped PSUs and the problem remains. Bummer...
  5. Hi Dennis. Thanks for your response. PSU for the camera or the DVR? I think I may have a spare PSU to suit it. Will check now. Thanks again Tom
  6. Camera Man

    In a pinch..

    Hello everyone, I have stumbled on this site last night when looking at current model cctv cams and dvrs.. Here is the story: My sister and her friends car were vandalized by my sister's ex-boyfriend. Her ex keyed every surface, including every window of her and her friend's car and sugared the gas tanks. Both cars are totaled. $40,000 in 2 vehicles... I am flying out to do some work on her house as a result next week and I need a little advise.. I am an electrician.. I have installed a Qsee system before with aftermarket cameras. It worked fine. This was a while ago though. What I am doing is putting up some emotion sensor floods and I want to install a 1 to 2 camera DVR system to cover her front drive. There is no way to get in her back yard due to row-styling houses with back to back back yards, all with fences. Specifics: The area of coverage of the front yard: The dimensions are about 30'wide x 15'deep There is a street lamp but it is not very bright so I plan on installing a set of motion sensor set of floods with 2 x 90w halogen lamps. This will light the area well. We want to be able to ID the guy if he ever comes over again and tries anything. My questions: I have read a lot here about the CNB VBM-24VF cameras. Will 2 of these be good coverage for the front yard? Will resolution be enough to ID anyone that enters the yard? DVRs... Are Qsee all right?? I am open to suggestions. I was looking at: http://www.q-see.com/products/security-product.php?ProductId=283 My sister uses a mac computer and she travels a lot. I was looking at this unit because it is compatible with MACs and she would be able remote the system when she is on the road. The budget is around $500 for a 2-camera system. If that isn't enough of a budget, let me know. I am on a time crunch with this. I am flying out next week and was trying to order and install everything next weekend. I really fear for her safety. The police are not doing a thing. They will not even interview the guy... If you have any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much for your time and for this forum, Tom EDIT: Had wrong Qsee product in this post. Corrected..
  7. Camera Man

    In a pinch..

    http://www.dahuasecurity.com Thanks a lot.
  8. Camera Man

    In a pinch..

    Booooooorrrrrrring!!! Liked the other one better.
  9. Camera Man

    In a pinch..

    LOL .. not the burning it on fire ! ooops now they need to try find a new polycarbonate cover That cracked me up too. I suppose if you used plenum rated cabling you would be able to see a building burn to the ground with one of those cameras!
  10. Camera Man

    In a pinch..

    Hey, Thanks for all the replies. I wound up getting the Qsee and a 1.5tb hard drive to load into it. I couldn't find any Dahua DVRs in the US.. well I did find a couple but I could not find any specifications at all on them other than what was listed on the vendor's website. rory, What is Dahua's website? For the life of me I can't find it..
  11. Camera Man

    In a pinch..

    Adam, I searched and found a thread here on that actual DVR.. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=23194 Seems like a decent one for the money.
  12. Camera Man

    In a pinch..

    LOL I will position a "Cheese" sign directly above the lights! Well her front yard is about 1 1/2 car length. That is why I thought 2 cams would be good. One directly above the garage door where she parks and one for an overview of the front yard placed right by her front door for more facials. The other idea I had was positioning the cameras spaced apart pointing in an "X" crossing pattern.. Thanks for OKing the cameras.. Man, I was looking at bullet cameras and just started getting a headache (seriously) reading specs, searching here and over the internet for footage and reviews. As far as frame rate, that is what i read. Well i read 7fps is kinda standard... it seems the Qsee does the resolution and the frame rates. I may be ok... The Qsee Dvr is surprisingly inexpensive though which worries me. I cant afford to fly back and forth to maintain the system.. lol
  13. Camera Man

    In a pinch..

    Thanks a lot for he response. I do plan on having the front yard lit up really bright. I will search the forum for bullet cameras and see what turns up. As far as a dvr, my sister only has a laptop so a dvr card and software wouldn't work for her so I will need a stand-alone dvr unit. I planned on setting it with her tv components so she can review things on her tv set if needed. Thanks a lot for the suggestion.