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Posts posted by nDAlk90

  1. I appreciate your video it shows the positives and negatives of PTZ's and auto tracking.


    Here are positives:


    1. If you see something happening across the street you can zoom in for detail.

    2. You are able to get a general overview of whats happening on the street. (Enough to be able to call police if something is happening live)

    3. You have an additional deterrence of having a large PTZ on your home.


    There certainly are some negatives though:


    1. Camera loses focus shifting from subjects.

    2. Camera can also track people not needed in video.

    3. Camera provided insufficient resolution to identify faces, clothing, etc.


    Well... That is pretty objective. I think. Im not trying to sell you on MP like Mike is. I do see advantage with MP but the price is a little steep for residential.


    shockwave199... I understand why you are getting upset.


    Let me give you an example. You buy a standard wood frame home (most in U.S)




    Next door neighbor builds a Red Iron steel home.





    He comes over and sais to you. "You built with wood?" and then proceed to list all the advantage over his structure.


    - Its non combustible.

    - It uses non organic materials (Wont grow mold like wood)

    - Its hurricane and tornado resistant more then wood.

    - It has no interior load bearing walls ...

    - Its...


    You would get upset. You spent lots of time, effort, money for your home and someone is basically telling you its not good. My point is that's is sometimes difficult to swallow information objectively when you are involved in the process of whatever is the discussion. Plus the way information is perceived when read could be different then what is meant entirely by the poster.


    Do you agree?



    I'm not an auto tracking fan boy. I'm only experimenting and documenting the progress for others to see. That's why I got upset- I'm just working through it and you're all coming down on it like it's crap. It may be, I'm still working with it. But to me, I see potential in this demo where you won't see it at all. You're entitled. But regardless, besides a handful here there that think it's crap there will be MANY who appreciate the videos for a look at what this can and can't do. That's really all I'm doing.

  2. How many computer do you have?

    Funny question... Why pre-wire for so many phone jacks when you end up using a cordless phone system? Or do you have a makeshift office complex at home. Cubicles?


    Just kidding.


    Thanks! I've updated the first message in the thread showing the PoE injector -- it's now got a link to the place I got it from.. I particularly liked the price ($20US).. As long as your devices are 48V PoE capable it'll work for you -- this will NOT provide lower voltages,etc.. It's fixed at 48VDC..


    I may take you up on the suggestion to relocate the phone/ethernet blocks -- at some point I may need to move from that 16 port switch to a 24 port switch -- I think I'm down to the last port.. Doh! Shows you how much planning gets you!


    By the way, this does not include another mini enclosure in our bedroom closet that collects all the ethernet traffic from the rear of the house and sends it to the garage on one of those ports -- hence only needing 16 ports here.. I've got another 8 port switch in the rear of the house..

  3. For a diy job... not bad.


    In the structured wiring cabinet I would put the phone connection blocks closer together.

    Then I would put the internet connection blocks closer together. (Too much unused space)


    Whats that white POE thing you have? Is it a POE injector? Can you explain... Where did you buy?



    Good Job!

  4. I liked Avigilon VMS too...

    Too bad the ONVIF protocol doesn't work across the board with all vendors.

    And Avigilon cameras are in the higher price range. (If you are spending other peoples money (or have big budget who cares, but home & small business can be more price sensitive.)


    They should have a budget line for home & small business under $300.00 with 1080p, 1.3mp, 2mp cameras.

    That would be nice.



    Smart enough to have selected a VMS that didn't support all the customer's existing cameras?


    I don't think that is a case

    He probably get 30 days demo

    and customer love it

    You should offer him Vigil demo

  5. You guys are too much...

    An answer for everything.


    Are you two in sales?


    In a short while tonight I'm posting footage of this camera in auto tracking mode. It's the hands when mine aren't on it- the camera that is. I wager this mailbox wouldn't call it to action though! LOL! Still tweaking it for best results, but it's mighty interesting for sure. Look in the security camera forum for the post in a bit.


    I would love to see how your auto tracking works when you have more then 1 object to track.

  6. I think its fairly obvious... If nobody knows the person in picture, it doesn't matter if the picture is D1, CIF, Megaapixel, etc. You still wont know the person. You will just have a better or worse picture.



    I agree about image quality - that isn't the issue. Better quality is always advantageous and I'm right there with ya. The point I'm trying to make is that no matter how good the image, people may still not be identified. This comes via experience. If nobody knows who they are and they don't leave anything behind it can be very difficult to get a positive ID. That's all.


    That is a great sales pitch to have when you sell cctv

  7. I once asked for an estimate on alibaba on a 3-4 pound product. The cost of product was ok... Shipping was way too expensive...


    Some try to rip you off on shipping...



    The cost of one transparent dome + shipping cost still much more cheap than the control parts




    Larry Yang

  8. Thanks Sean. Now I will put in my 5 cents.


    CIF resolution is 352x288. With a wide lens (3.6mm, 2.8mm, etc) and a object or person sufficiently far away from the camera (15 feet as example), you most likely wont have enough pixel density to make out a face, license plate, etc.


    However part of question was "with CIF recording produce prosecutable video ?". What is "prosecutable" will most likely vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. With a tight shot (16mm lens and a descent security camera) you can get more pixels per foot then with a 3.6mm lens and the same security camera. Will the pixel density be enough that depends on situation.

  9. I made the mistake of calling Comcast tech support (what a joke). They are no help at all. Waste of 1/2 hour trying to explain networking 101 to teir 1 support. And stupid me, I called twice thinking the next person would understand Where do they get these people?


    Is you cable modem plugged in?

    Can you tell me what lights are on the modem?



    They read from a script... No networking knowledge required.


    Oh... You want to know how to fix the problem...

    Let me create a trouble ticket and transfer you to tier 2
