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  1. After reading quite a bit on this board, I just thought I would put in my two cents on these products. Integral is a PC based unit that needs some patches initially, then it seems to be fairly bullet proof. I used it working with a previous company. I believe it was pricey(not sure). What stood out about this unit is it has the friendliest GUI. Everything is laid out nice and very easy to train the customer. Live video and searching are great. picture resolution is good. Trying to become a dealer now to have an option for higher end PC based models. I haven't seen mention of this product more than once or twice. March networks I was torn on. I also installed these units at my previous company. I thought setup was kind of a pain. The GUI looked ok, but was not very user friendly. Every picture was in its own window, and required opening and closing each individually. The search option was ok with its motion tabbing, but took forever to load a 10 minute clip. On some jobs the pictures were always dark after I connected to the unit and had to manually adjust the contrast and brightness on eash input. These units do have tons of features, and there may be shortcuts to the problems I faced. I believe if they can update the program, it may be a viable contender. I also used GE/ Kalatel. Those units are a breeze to setup and program. The wavereader program could be updated, but not bad compared to others.