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Posts posted by oderus1671

  1. I have some b/w cameras that are about 9 years old, 420 tvl, 12 ir's. On 2 out of 5 cameras, the image flickers and bends at the top of the image. its almost as if the image is getting smeared from left to right. what causes this kind of distortion? I have an old cheapo power supply with eight pigtails that i think may be the culprit. Im not tech savvy enough with a multi meter to check voltages, although I do have one. any ideas?

    Thanks ya'll!

  2. do all cameras that have the effio chip have an osd?

    the reason for asking is because i found a decent

    priced effio-e cam online, but the seller tells me

    it does not have osd. i thought the osd was on all

    effio cams to take advantage of the chips abilities.

    did i find a fake, or can you really have an effio without

    the osd? thanks!

  3. i need to replace 5 old b/w 12 ir bullet cams on a really tight budget. came across these online, and im wondering if anyone has any real worl experience with them. i know theyre not the greatest, but for a lower middle class guy like myself just wanting to keep an eye on my property, will they fit the bill? i see they are 700 tvl, ir, and ir cut filters. can i do better at this price point? also, i cant seem to find out what brand ccd they use...

    any thoughts?


  4. has anyone dealt with these folks? ive come across a few deals on some Effio cams from them, 700 tvl, bullet style, with 72 ir pcs. just wondering if this company is ok to buy some budget cams from, or if i should stay away. i understand the whole "you get what you pay for" moniker, im just really strapped for $$$ and need to replace some aging b/w 420 tvl 12 pc ir bullet cams.

    thanks, and sorry in advance if they are not legit posting here!

  5. I got the issue figured out. Apparently, the BNC connector had a bad seal against water, and there was a slight amount of corrosion on the outer part of it. After a bit of scraping and fine sandpaper, I plugged it in and its good as new! " title="Applause" /> So next trip to town I will get some new sealant for all the connections just to be safe.

    What do ya'll use for sealing your connections?

    Thanks guys for all the troubleshooting help, your the best!

  6. probably most likely to be the PSU/camera.

    have there been any electrical storms before the camera went funny? (lightning, brownouts, blackouts)

    not to my knowledge, we have had a rather wet start to winter though. i'm starting to wonder about the bnc and power connections at the cam now. i will check them and post results. thanks!

  7. thanks, it seems to do it all the time, no evidence of any motor noise form any appliances or anything like that.





    another is the pigtail its self you have 2 types the one with the yellow video out has to be in the top slot


    thanks, i made sure of this when installed in the PC. i've heard a lot of folks had trouble with just that and made sure i set it up as you recommend.

  8. thanks for all the advice, i will start this weekend with the connections at the camera, as they are exposed to the elements. then i'll look at swapping the cameras around to see if the cable or cam is bad. if it happens to be the connectors at the cam, what would be a good way to weatherproof the connections? currently i am using a product called "liquid electrical tape" or something to that effect. thanks!

  9. hello everyone, I havent been here in a while so hello again! Ive been noticing a minor problem on my NV5000 setup at home so here goes...

    I have an NV5000 setup on my PC with 5 cameras, 4 outdoor and one indoor. All the cameras work great except one, which has a "wobble" in the top of the picture. It really weird. the top, say, one fourth of the picture will wobble side to side at a consistant interval. none of the other cameras do this. They are generic cameras, as I dont need anything really spectacular picture wise. They are set up to record motion, and the wobble doesnt seem to set off recording, so Im thinking this is an issue in the playback software. Heres the specs on the PC...

    Abit NF7s mobo

    (Nvidia NForce2 northbridge)

    ATI 9800 pro 128mb

    NV5000 installed in closest slot to AGP

    380w Antec PSU

    generic cameras ran with rg59 and rg6 coax. the rg59's arent the best cables, i know, but the other ones using the same cables arent doing it.


    Again,This wobble doesnt seem to affect motion detection, its just extremely annoying when reviewing recorded files. Anyone know what could be the culprit here?

  10. ok, thanks a million. I got it figured out. I uninstalled the software, hooked it up to the 2nd port from the front of the card as per Avermedias support site, on the dvr card, and followed your layout for the cam ports, reinstalled newer version, and now everything is just peachy! you are truely THE MAN for Avermedia stuff. Perhaps you should contact them to sponsor you for some $$$?!?! You deserve every penny they can offer! Thanks again!

    BTW, is it normal for my framerates to drop on the selection options? It used to be up to 30 fps, but now its just 15. I assume that because I added 4 more ports, it will cut the total FPS allowed per port in half. Am i correct?

  11. Hi again all, Im trying to install a video extension card for my nv5000, but when i connect the cameras to it, the video on the extension is severely distorted and rolling. Something else worth noting, the software doesnt seem to "see" the card, as it still only shows 4 cams. I am trying to add a 5th cam. Should I reinstall the software? Also, i noticed that there are 3 or 4 ports on the nv5000 that you attach the cable to. I assumed that it goes on the port closest to the edge of the card. am i thinkin right or have I gone mildly retarded?

  12. Something else to keep in mind. It's not a deterrant. It won't stop a psycho neighbor, it just gives you evidence of a crime. If your goal is to try to stop, then you want to look more toward alarms or a dog.

    I second that. What I do is have 2 german shepherds patrolling the yard, put up security cams, and make sure I have plenty o' bullets for my gun!


    I put up cheap OEM cams at my house to deal with my own crazy idiotic neghbor, and they work fine, just not the best quality. One word of advice i can give is stay away from eBay and you get what you pay for. I heard great things about the Mace cams, but i dont have them so i cant really comment.


    Hope your neighbor leaves you alone!

  13. we carry a 600TVL sony CCD bullet as well, wonder if it's the same model? i'd be curious to see the pricing - think you could PM over the link, oderus?


    also, rory - still waiting on the link to those club cams!!

    uh, actually im the one looking for the inforamtion on 600 tvl cams, actually. In case you would like to send me some info from your site?

  14. hey all, i'm looking to buy an add-on video extension for my nice shiny new nv5000, which i absolutely love,BTW, but i cant find any places online that carry them. went to aver.com and got the model number and put it into google, but it doesnt come up with much. I want to avoid ebay like the plague, i found a couple on there. Is there any good reputable places a guy can get one of these at a good price? (I'm in the process of buying a new home, so every penny counts right now!) hopefully you all have seen these parts in your travels. Thanks in advance!

  15. There are actually 600 tvl color cameras now with a Sony HQ1 chip. Personally haven't played with any but have sent a couple out for demos. I think I sent Monster one of the domes, no bullets yet so Rory scored 100 with the B/W.

    you know, it wouldnt hurt my feelings if you sent me one, too!

  16. by cutting the power to the IR, i assume you mean open the camera up and "manually cut the power lead to the IR"? Im not that brave as I am an idiot when it comes to electronics. last time i tried to fix my Dewalt drill charger, i ended up with a fireworks display in my kitchen !

  17. hey kandcorp, is there any way to disable the POS console in the software? its not causing any problems, I just dont need it. I have been exiting out of it every time i start the program, but was wondering if I can just remove it all together.

    Also, do i need to set up the alarms on each camera to catch motion detection video? In other words, do i need to set up an alarm for ,say, cam 1 to record on cam 1 when motion is detected? I see in the alarms section that if motion is detected, i can set which camera to record on. I want to capture only the motion caught on that specific cam, not all 3 of them. Basicall, I am trying to avoid the flashing Alarm icon in the top right corner. Will the motion detection setting under the recording setup suffice or do i really need to set up individual alarms for each cam to record motion? Thanks dude!

  18. wow, that was the fastest reply Ive ever had on a forum! thanks rory, so as I am a home user, you think 600 tvl is kinda overkill? I think the 420 tvl cams I have right now from that same site i sent the link to are working ok for me. I kinda wish i would have got the non-IR though, as I dont run them at night. Perhaps the savings on a non-IR cam could have got me a better chip. Guess I should have asked ya'll before buying them!
