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  1. mattstrat

    System Recommendations for Newbie

    Thanks for the info so far. I think we will likely get a new computer for a GeoVision instead of a standalone DVR. Can anyone recommend me a good Canadian source for purchasing cameras & Geovision hardware (PM me?)
  2. mattstrat

    System Recommendations for Newbie

    Thanks for the replies. I will check out those extreme cameras. I guess our 1 ghz computer likely won't cut it for a DVR, so I may look into a standalone DVR vs getting a new computer for the geovision. We are hoping to install the system ourselves.
  3. Hi Guys Looks like a great forum here. I am doing some research trying to put together a CCTV system for my construction company and hoping to get some advice. After doing some research online, here is roughly what I am looking for: Geovision 8 or 16 (to allow for future expansion) input card in an existing computer (P4 1 Ghz) which would be just a DVR. Cameras: 1 dome camera (day/night) for 30' to 50' range -This is for our office area. 2 to 4 IR cameras (day/night) for 30' to 50' range -These would be for some large equipment bays. 2 to 3 box cameras (outdoor, area will be lit at night) -These would be for (1) entrance gate and (2) yard. Cameras will be from 30' to 300' from the DVR & power. We are in southern Ontario Canada so the outdoor cameras would need to be OK throughout our winter (sometimes -20 or lower) with whatever enclosures maybe needed. Also will need all cable, connectors, camera mounts, power supply, etc. I am hoping to get some recommendations on decent reliable hardware that won't break the bank (I have been looking online and there seems to be a wide range of pricing out there for seemingly-similar spec'd hardware), and recommendations of a good source to purchase from (someone either in Canada or who will ship here). I'm sure I've missed some details so please ask or PM me if appororiate. Thanks