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Posts posted by SectorSecurity

  1. Hey guys,


    I ususally keep most of my installs indoors, so I never have really had the need to put box cameras in a housing, but I have a customer who wants to put several box cameras outside, so I will be looking to put them into housings and mounts.


    Now as this will be in Canada, I will most likely be using a heater/blower in the housing, and was wondering if anyone could suggest good manufactures of housings and mounts, or if anyone could suggest a supplier they use in Canada?

  2. Hey guys,


    Looking to start shifting to network/IP cameras and move away from analog cameras. What additional hardware is needed to install network/IP cameras? I am aware I will need the cameras, and power supply or PoE injector, but is it as simply as connecting them to a switch then trucking the video into a computer with a RAID array running something like Geovision software?


    Is it much more complexed then that or is that about right for the installation of IP cameras?

  3. Hey guys,


    Looking for some suggestions on good box cameras. I am looking to spend 300-400 per camera, including lens, and then about 50$ on mounts and housing. Anyone have a preferred brand they like to run with? I am going to look at Panasonic, Sony, Sanyo, Costar, but not really sure who else I should look at.


    Also anyone with a good dealer that does business or ships to Canada, greatly appreciate if you drop me a link.

  4. It is important to know if you want to receive traffic not destine for your network card you need to tell Wireshark to switch you into promiscuous mode, basically tells the network card I dont care if its addressed to me I want to see it.


    I dont remember if wireshark does this by default or not. HPing is great if you want to send specially crafted packets.


    Depending on what kind of network you have, you might have to be creative. If you want ALL the traffic, you'll need to put an old-fashioned hub in between your target, and the network, then hook your sniffer machine to that hub. Hubs repeat all packets to all ports.


    Alternatively, you can overflow or poison the ARP cache on a switched network and get the data that way.


    You can achieve the same effect by switching your card into promisc mode. However you will only get what is on that switch segment, so if you have multiple switches you will not get all the traffic.

  5. It is important to know if you want to receive traffic not destine for your network card you need to tell Wireshark to switch you into promiscuous mode, basically tells the network card I dont care if its addressed to me I want to see it.


    I dont remember if wireshark does this by default or not. HPing is great if you want to send specially crafted packets.

  6. No, most likely those settings will not work, its possible they will but probably wont.


    Go to a computer go to start > run and type cmd then once the command prompt is open type in ipconfig /all


    This will give you your computers IP address, DNS servers, Gateway, and subnet you will most likely not need to worry about the is fine.


    Once you have that information, you will copy your DNS and Gateway to the DVR as you see it on your computer, now for the IP address you need to pick an IP which almost matches your computer, if your computer is then use something like for your DVR.


    I can speak for your router, try clicking through the different tabs until you see the one that covers IP configuration.

  7. Generally that doensn't always work. I have a clone of the drive, so I might try uninstalling all the drivers, change boards and then install drivers. I have had some people suggest that will work. I"m not convince enough to do it without having a ready backup though.


    What I should do is get my other stuff off of the geovision server. I could make a new system for geo and then use the old system for the other stuff. Space is the issue since both have to be where they are. I suppose I could have one monitor for both systems and a kvm switch or something.



    As long as you install the new drivers why wouldnt it work? Where I work we deploy 1 corporate image to all systems, desktops and laptops all with different cpu's and mobos, we just included all the drivers in the build, if its needed its used if its not well then its there anyways.

  8. A lot of tools you would use to do electrical will prove helpful.


    Wire stripper

    Wire Crimpers

    Viewing monitor


    Compression tool

    CAT 5 crimper


    I dont have my tool bag on me and am having a brain fart as to what I have in it. If you search the forum for tools I know this topic has been discussed before.


    Any benefits to analog CCTV (I assume with a local DVR) over webcams with a local harddrive connected to the router? As I said, I'm fairly new to this technology, and am looking for suggestions on the best way to make this work. I'm trying to do all the homework I can before making any purchases.





    Why connect a hard drive to the router? I see this adding complexity to the setup as most times they need to be added as mapped network drives and most likely a standalone DVR running an embedded linux build will not support this. Having the HDD connected to the router will do very little to reduce the amount of traffic generated. If you have tons of money to spend whack in a Riverbed WAN optimization appliance which will help optimize the traffic, I kid I kid, those things are in the 10's of thousand $ range.


    I think this is all going to come down to the upload speed you are able to get.

  10. I recently purchased a Asenware CCTV system and cannot for the life of Me figure out how to get the captured video to My PC. I used a large jump drive & backed it up from the DVR. Back up complete.. When drive is in the PC, windows sees the drive EMPTY.. Instruction book is useless, might as well be written in Sumarian.....

    Any help will be appreciated... Thanx, Rob



    See if there is some sort of eject button on the software running on the DVR, most likely the DVR is using a linux embedded build, and I know from experience Linux gets very mad if you write something to a usb key and dont dismount it, usually wont write the files.

  11. Your upload speed will be your problem if you want off site storage. 4Mbps is 4Mbps meaning if you have 100GB of video stored on the local NVR per day you will have to up load 100GB of video which will take 150 hours over a 1.5M T1.



    Remember 4MB is most likely refering to your download speed, not your upload speed.

  12. I saw this once with a DVR which had a stupid nightly reboot set on it, for what ever reason the DVR would not reboot itself when it did its nightly maintenance reboot, and this would cause beeping. I forget the DVR type, but may be something to check on.

  13. Baluns definately have uses and I use them frequently. On small installs they don't always make sense.

    That depends somewhat... as I've noted before, we almost never use coax for ANYTHING... it means having to stock and cart around two more types of cables (RG-59, and station wire for power). I have a box of coax that's been sitting in my garage for about 14 months now, I've been using it so little. I have two boxes of Cat5e in my van that get replenished every three months or one large install, whichever comes first.


    I have to agree with soundy here, cat5 allows me to carry 1 box of wire, I can run video and power over cat5, yes rg-59 has power with it but then I am stuck running my power in the same direction as the video cable. Much easier to use cat5 and go in a different direction with power if needed. I to have a about 400ft of rg-59 which I have been sitting on for close to a year now that I cant get rid of, will probably just end up using it myself for toying around with personal builds.
