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Posts posted by shockwave199

  1. You could also do better with a porch light on, but lights are lights and bug are bugs. IR will also show dust particles and fog will look like a blizzard. All that combined makes IR a challenge to deal with. But an exterior light some ways away from the camera can help. You can mask that area out of motion detection to avoid some of the bug activity and eliminate a huge amount of fog and dust triggering. Good luck.

  2. You're not the only one who would have checked on the poor little doe eyed deer first, good grief. If it had been a dog or cat, I would have been concerned for that first because it's someones pet. But a deer, no. Not for me anyway. They are a total nuisance and I have to drive super carefully each and every night because they are so unpredictable...and down right dumb. The deer was out of sight in the woods- gone. That's why I didn't go check on the freakin deer. If it were flailing around in the road I would have made a call to address that. But that wasn't the case and I wasn't about to go into the woods and see how the deer made out. I get where you're coming from. I'm not heartless. But when you've swerved enough and had enough near misses and now hit one, it gets old and very frustrating. And now that spring is marching on I have another thing to watch for- kamikaze birds. They're probably young and don't know any better but NOT having one fly into the car is nothing short of a miracle. That lasts a couple weeks. All that is in addition to raccoon, possums, and every other dopey thing. You'd think I live in the sticks, but I don't. And that's what makes it even more frustrating.


  3. You have an okay budget, but your needs you state are modest. You could do fine with analog, as your prerequisites read. If you don't need much out of a system, why be concerned with a 'step above' and spending big bucks? Which leads me to suggest that a Costco offering may be more than fine for what you say you need.




    Throw four 4tb hard drives in it, or record lower frame rates with motion detection, and there you go. Wanting a step above but needing a step below doesn't square. You can always justify spending a bunch of money on expensive, quality equipment. But just make sure it isn't complete overkill for what your actual need is. I guess I'd be a bad salesman, lol. I'm not good at up selling just because.

  4. I thought you said you got ie working with port 90. You can also try typing http:// in front of your noip address too. But you need to add :90 or :87 at the end. Your router will act as the updater, nothing further needed there. As long as port 87 is open and forwarded, that's the one you need to use. Try checking to see its open at canyouseeme.org, I think that's the address. And you must use ie, not chrome. Most times you can only use Chrome if you add an IE tab plug-in.

  5. Probably so. You shouldn't have to fill in specific ports. No-ip tracks your public ip address, that's it. Your router acts as the updater in case your public ip address changes. As long as you use your noip name and or ports when needed for login, that's what will point your drv or phone to the right port.

  6. What doesn't work with the mouse, specifically? The included mouse is usually garbage with most Dvr's of any kind. You can try a different mouse altogether and see if it works better. It may not work at all, but a simple USB mouse you have laying around is worth a try. If not, it could be a problem with the USB port itself. Is there a front and back port? Tried them both?

  7. In myeye, use your no ip name for the address. Use 8888 for the port. But in No-ip, the ip address it should point to is your public ip address, not specific drv or mobile ports. That usually fills in automatically when you set up the account within your local network. You'll also need to set something as the updater, be it in your router or the Dvr itself. If your Dvr doesn't have No-ip as a dyn choice, look and see if your router has it. Most newer routers do. You choose No-ip from the list and input your noip account info and there you have it. Make sure you've port forwarded 8888 too.
