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  1. Hello, fairly new to video surveillance and would like to explain the situation so perhaps i can start looking at what to get. My friend has a pool thats fairly far out on the property (150-200 feet) im guessing, that has a metal fence surrounding it, it is locked but local kids keep jumping the fence at night, and she is worried because she holds responsibility for injury/death etc. She has talked to kids/parents and they dont care? They just dont listen lol. She has contacted the police, but police say she needs video evidence for them to do anything... So i did some research and it seems wireless cameras are out due to distance, and i cannot for the life of me find any cameras that would attach to house and zoom in while still getting face shots/distinguishable video for evidence. Now, there is a huge pole with a light attached to it, lighting up the pool at night I would like to use this to my advantage, i was thinking of running coax? or? from pole to house, and set up either a dvr, or recording software on computer? Anyone have any suggestions that wont "break the bank"? Thanks for your time.