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Everything posted by Integration101

  1. I've installed several AVTech 4-channel DVRs and have problems with remote playback both with video viewer software and directly connecting with IP address via IE. I'm wondering if its a firmware issue (1007 1002 1003 1002). Does anyone have any experience with this?
  2. Hello Forum, I've installed EH5108+s in a couple of McDonalds and can't get them to network. The settings on the DVR are according to their IT instructions exactly (IP, Gateway, Mask, DNS, Ports), but, nothing. The "Network" button is engaged. I can't see anything else I can modify. I've networked many systems, but, in this case I'm mystified. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  3. Integration101

    AverMedia EH5108+ networking issues

    I can not access using local IP address.
  4. To date my business has been CCTV cameras and systems. I'm currently quoting a job that requires IP cameras, some of which will be megapixel. I'm wondering what works well for low-light conditions (outdoor, 2-3MP, wide angle lens). Also, I'm thinking of using a NUUO NVR platform (2 X 16 Channel). Does anyone have any comments on this? Thank you and Best Regards,
  5. Integration101

    Networking AverMedia EH5108+

    I've installed an AverMedia EH5108+. The network settings I inputted in the DVR (IP address, Gateway, Mask, Available ports, slot to plug the DVR into, etc.) were given to me by the IT department. I followed their instructions and activated the "network" button on the main display. I can't access the DVR even over the LAN. The IT department has verfied the ports I've selected are open, they can see a device (DVR) is connected, but, is not active. I've networked many DVRs, but, this one has be perplexed. What am I missing?
  6. Integration101

    Networking AverMedia EH5108+

    Thanks for the quick reply! Should I use 5550 for "Remote Console Port" and 80 for "WebViewer Port"?