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Al Drake

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Everything posted by Al Drake

  1. There should be a pin hole reset on the back. https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/801931-admin-password-reset-on-samsung-dvr
  2. Try here: http://www.discount-security-cameras.net/ and: http://edigitaldeals.net/
  3. Sometimes you might be able to ID the unit my looking at the motherboard. Take note of all the numbers you can find and enter them into Google. I bought a DVR from Q-See and later found out it was a re-branded Enterprise buy locating the model number clearly printed on a small sticker.
  4. Al Drake

    Sannce CCTV Dvr D7904V

    I found this: viewtopic.php?f=54&t=47234 HTH. Al.
  5. Hello to everyone. I need an opinion on replacing an old DVR(Q-See/Enterprise LTD-2508FD) http://www.spygeeks.com/Enterprise-Level-DVR-8-Channel-LTD2508FD.html The motherboard died and I'm unable to locate a replacement board. I paid top dollar a few years back and notice some Amcrest units available at a much more reasonable price. http://www.walmart.com/ip/44786726?wmlspartner=wlpa&adid=22222222227034012061&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=87915278328&wl4=&wl5=pla&wl6=122047574208&veh=sem I just installed one of these for a friend and so far found it rather nice. My question would be are these Amcrest DVRs an acceptable replacement or does anyone know of a source for the motherboard? Thanks for any input. Regards. Al.
  6. Al Drake

    Expert help with new DVR system

    Thanks for sharing your ideas. I much appreciate what you did and it looks like what I'll be doing sometime soon. Some of the cameras I have don't seem to disassemble as easily as I thought. I'll most likely have some extras that I can experiment with and take my time. Regards. Al
  7. If the videos are needed bad enough I'd try playing them and recording them with a camcorder. I did this one time years ago and remember the results weren't all that bad. Al.
  8. Al Drake


    I have my cameras mounted to the outside of the windows on pieces of wood I made rather than installing them on the out side of the house. Some hook to the top of the glass while others hook to the bottom of the window frame and are removable. I originally planed on making them permanently mounted under the over hang but ended leaving them where they are for several years. It's very easy to adjust them and clean the lenses as sometimes spiders make their webs on the glass. I've never had any problems and it's much easier than getting on a ladder cutting the install time of 8 cameras substantially. I picked up some pre-cut blocks about 3x4 x 3.4 thick and screwed hooks on the top which worked out nicely. I've never had any luck with cameras viewing through glass without reflections from changing light during the day.
  9. Al Drake

    Sannce CCTV Dvr D7904V

    I found this on Google. http://expertsgarage.com/how-to-master-reset-the-sannce-4-ch-dvr-camera-system-if-you-forget-the-password/ HTH Al.
  10. Al Drake

    Expert help with new DVR system

    Give up...you wont find it. Its not worth it. Here is an HD over coax system with the LIFETIME return policy of costco http://www.costco.com/Lorex-8-Channel-HD-Analog-DVR-with-2TB-HDD%2c-8-1080p-Cameras-with-130'-Night-Vision.product.100218592.html Hi again Boogieman. Can you tell me if this unit has Email feature? If so, does it allow complete setup ability that enables email to be sent at long intervals such as only once when the motion activated? I installed a different system for a friend but it can only be configured for limited timing like one picture every 10 minutes or so. Way to many pictures that are totally unnecessary and no way to make changes from iPhone. Thanks. Al
  11. Al Drake

    Expert help with new DVR system

    Excellent. Thanks. I'll definable replace the fan. I also like the zoom lenses. I'll have to order several. I've seen them in the past but never considered them so it's nice to find someone that recommends them. Regards. Al
  12. Al Drake

    Expert help with new DVR system

    Give up...you wont find it. Its not worth it. Here is an HD over coax system with the LIFETIME return policy of costco http://www.costco.com/Lorex-8-Channel-HD-Analog-DVR-with-2TB-HDD%2c-8-1080p-Cameras-with-130'-Night-Vision.product.100218592.html OK, I was afraid of that. Thanks for the link. I'll order one today. Regards, Al
  13. Al Drake

    Expert help with new DVR system

    I don't understand why is it so difficult to locate the board. Could it be that no one in China knows how to repair DVRs and there wouldn't be any still unused? It's not like this was a $50.00 device. I can't even find the website of this Enterprise LTD-2508. A $750 unit.
  14. Al Drake

    Expert help with new DVR system

    I think I want something better than 960H. I gave been considering 1080P. At present I am still looking for a supplier who can provide me with a motherboard for the DVD I have now. It seems no one has any source of boards. There has to be some somewhere.
  15. Al Drake

    Expert help with new DVR system

    Thanks Tom. This one I have that no longer works isn't that old and it only lasted a year or so. I guess I have to trash it if I can't find a motherboard. I paid around $750 and now I notice it's available for about half that now. No support it seems for the Enterprise LTD-2508FD as I can't find a web site. I read that non really last that long being they are on 24/7. Before that I had a PC card and still have 2 but the manufacturer has gone out of business and I can't seem to find instructions on how to install this Netpromax FX608. When I first bought it I had phone help setting it up. I was thinking on going back to a PC Card as it seems unless that card goes bad I can at least repaid the PC. Is it true that there are no DVRs that last all that long?
  16. Al Drake

    Expert help with new DVR system

    Thank you for your reply. I think I have the cameras I need but I would like to learn more about what I can do to repair this one I have before I totally give up on it and purchase a replacement. The symptoms are this unit will not get any further than the welcome screen that says "please wait". I have tried replacing the power supply. It has three hard drives installed and all was working fine until I noticed the problem. I tried swapping drives and disconnecting them altogether still no results. I tried replacing the BIOS battery but that didn't work either. I tried locating a replacement motherboard but I came up empty. I am sure I can't be the only one with this problem but I'm not finding any posts showing anyone with this problem and no fixes. I was hoping to get some expert advice on what options I have left in troubleshooting. About your opinions on a replacement at $50.00 what might be the difference in ones that cost 10 times that price? Thanks to anyone that has any help.
  17. Al Drake

    Hi from Manchester!

    Is that Manchester England? I live a few miles from Manchester New Hampshire.
  18. Al Drake

    What do I do with this Q-See 518?

    To all that are so eagerly waiting to see what happens next, I located and ordered a Mico-ATX PSU and will see if this gives me a fix. You're welcome. Al
  19. I have this DVR sitting here with no clue as to what to do. I was hoping someone can give me some advice before I junk what may just need fixing or maybe a link to what others have done with the same problems. I am stuck at the "Waiting" screen which hangs forever so far. I tried replacing the HDDs but that didn't help. I read that it might be the firmware but if so how do I reinstall if I get no boot. I was actually thinking of replacing the main board which doesn't seem that hard. I've built many computers so if I could find a replacement I'd give it a try. I think this device cost me plenty and I'm actually thinking of taking everything down and getting a dog, after all that's what I think of Q-See right about now. Has anyone ever located and replaced a main board on a DVR that can tell me it isn't really all that big of a deal or maybe someone knows how to fix this one. Thanks to anyone who responds. Al.
  20. This is a first one for me so instead of buying a new unit I thought I'd run it by you people first. Here in New Hampshire, as some may know, we had a power outage Thanksgiving day and into the weekend. I am using a battery backup UPS but for some reason this didn't help. My Q-See QT518 DVR was off by the time I got home so no way did I have time to power down. I was gone when the power came back on a few days later hoping it would turn on fine and there would be no problems. When I got home the monitor was showing the power up screen but it displayed the "Waiting" screen and it never got past that. I tried turning it off, waiting and turning it on again several times but it seems I have some unknown problem that has me thinking I'm going to have to replace it. I did read somewhere online that I may have hosed a HDD or firmware. Can anyone tell me what I can do at this point? As far as I know this is not like a computer and has no OS and that's what the firmware is. If I have a bad HDD and I try replacing them will that actually do anything? How can I install firmware if I can't access the system? Thanks for any advice and maybe I should also ask if there are any recommendations on a new unit? TIA. Al
  21. Al Drake

    Q-See QT518 and MP cameras

    Does this DVR have the capability of using MP cameras and IP cameras? I am trying to carefully select something that will give good results. So far I am not happy with the Q-See line of cameras and don't mind spending a little more for private home applications. I don't see anything in the user manual saying there are any limitations and still don't know the complete difference between a DVR and NVR. Thanks for any replies. Al.
  22. I've tried and tried but I'm just unable to get this right. I've read posts here but most seem to deal with IP cams. I've had this DVR for about a year or more and am happy but since I got the Ipad I'm stuck. I can list all the apps I've tried if it would help but it just has to be me. This Q-See DVR says the Server Port is 6036 and I get results with canyouseeme but what I get on the Ipad is a timeout. Maybe I'm entering the wrong IP but I type in the one that the DVR shows and the one that is in the address bar before /webcamera.html. I also tried the Gateway but nothing. I get logon failure report. I'm using server port 6036 which is port forwarded. If I use 80 it says time is out. I can't even get results with 37777 as it shows bad on canyouseeme even though the router setting is the same as port 6036. Do I have to enter the same name in the Ipad app as what shows on the DVR? I use the same logon as I use with the PC and don't know what swells to try. So here I am stuck with nothing else to try. Can anyone please show me what I'm doing wrong or point med to a thread that has something? Thanks for any replies. Al.
  23. Thanks. I'll do that. I can get the viewer to work on my desktop but for some reason not on the Ipad or Iphone. Al.
  24. I can get several apps to work but only view on WiFi and not over the internet. I need to see the cameras when at work and other places. It doesn't do me any good it I can't. How do I configure the Q-See viewer with my Iphone 5S when away from home?
  25. Al Drake

    Dash Cams? Suggestions

    I have a pair of the Lukas ACE Blackbox Driving Recorder one in the front and one n the rear. I've tried others but I find this one to be the best. I also own a iPASS Black SMART plus ITB-100UD SP that is nice but maybe not quite as nice as the LUKAS. The ITB now sits on a shelf back in the box like new. Hardly ever used. I would say to read here http://forum.dashcamtalk.com/ I also have tried others but still think the LUKAS is by far the best.