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Posts posted by sigmaalpha

  1. Dear All, I need support to find good solution that allow me to connect cameras via 3G network.

    I have a site that I need to install a DVR and 4 analogue cameras. No internet connection with public IP is available at site.

    I need a cost effective solution so I can remote access the DVR from anywhere.

    Your support is highly appreciated.

  2. I'm using encoder VP16 to a pc with server and monitor software installed I'm surveying 14 analogue camera normally.

    Encoder IP:

    PC IP:

    Arecont camera:

    Router thomson:

    Connecting from pc directly throw router to the arecont is ok but when using the same software of the encoder I can add the arecont camera but no image is seen.

    Can any one help thanks a lot

  3. I have 2 PTZ controller (A) and (B) and Two PTZ (P1) and (P2). Both controller have RS-485 (1) master and RS-485 (2) slave.


    My connection and settings are as follow:

    - PTZ (P2) connected to PTZ (P1)

    - PTZ (P1) connected to controller (A) on RS-485 (1)

    - Controller (A) port RS-485 (2) is connected to Controller (B) on RS-485 (1)


    Controller (A) is Master and controller (B) is a Slave.

    I can Control the PTZs only from controller (A)! no control can be made from controller (B). (PELCO D is the protocol).


    If I connect both controller in parallel and not in chaine I can control the PTZ from both controller but it's not an acceptable solution.


    Can any one help me please.


  4. Tell me which model of AN-TONE DVR you have and I can send you the CMS Software.

    You can also monitoring the DVR using IE (Web interface)

    Thanks for your help.

    I don't know the exact model it's a 4ch DVR I tryied to connect by accessing the IP of DVR from my PC, a popup menu appear and try to install but nothing work.

    Also I think this DVR don't have the overwrite option I couldn't find it in the menu.

    Thanks a lot for your support.
