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Everything posted by CJSTech

  1. CJSTech

    CCTV dosn't work after dusk

    Surely this has been working by now
  2. If it were me, I'd replace the Analogue DVR. New warranty period, most are relatively inexpensive and far more powerful than the current unit that you have. Great idea going with the Encoders (especially if you can get them with the micro SD cards for recordings), but can be an expensive process getting to 4 or more cameras. As far as Bosch DVR's not supporting iPhone Apps, not entirely true.
  3. In answer to viewing the Bosch Divar 2 via your iPhone, or any other smart phone app, no this is not possible. You are correct, Active X is a Microsoft product and is not supported by Apple (these companies share nothing). You need a product that supports RTSP protocols. This is a video streaming application that most smart phones do support. Unfortunately for you, when you purchased the Divar 2 unit, smart phone apps were not available and thus you can not get this product to do what you are after. Bosch has moved along and no longer supports the Divar 2 products, so there is no Firmware or Software upgrades that will give you what you are after. However, there are alternative solutions out there that allow video streaming on any product. I do not know what it is call but most IP companies should know of it. This product is a loop in/loop out product, therefore you will be looking at your analogue cameras directly over the network and not at the DVR. Alternatively, Bosch and others do now sell a various array of new products capable of achieving your desired outcome. As they say, my '67 Mustang doesn't have power steering...You need to buy, to upgrade. Hope this helps.....