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  1. james8532

    What type of security camera is this?

    Very cool. Thank you
  2. james8532

    What type of security camera is this?

    Soundy, The photos will remain unaltered from their original copy. I want people to see high definition photographs of what the thread is talking about. If this is a problem for you please leave the thread. Thank you
  3. james8532

    What type of security camera is this?

    ljarrald, Yup, there was a Direct TV antenna on the roof. Assuming they would be using that for Internet. http://f.cl.ly/items/0L0S3F2E1H3B0i0o1q1r/DTV.jpg
  4. james8532

    What type of security camera is this?

    Birdman, I am also curious how they get power too cause I didn't see any power cords at all. That was it.
  5. james8532

    What type of security camera is this?

    Birdman, It's a house very secluded in our neighborhood that has been abandoned for along time. [mod edit: extraneous pictures remove to save bandwidth - this isn't a real estate forum]
  6. james8532

    What type of security camera is this?

    Thank you Soundy. So definitely not Government issued?
  7. moderator note: photo embedding has not been changed. oversized embedded photos were removed because they're using board bandwidth unnecessarily. please use the links provided by the poster to see the full-size versions on HIS dime. In these photos are movement sensors on the lower trees as well as two wireless cameras. Are these government issued? Does anybody have any idea what type of cameras these are? Thank you for any help. If the IMG tags don't work direct links below: http://f.cl.ly/items/3h0q2s2E40421A0K3T0Y/DSC03418.JPG http://f.cl.ly/items/3h0q2s2E40421A0K3T0Y/DSC03419.JPG http://f.cl.ly/items/2o2A423g2E0H2f3v1s2L/DSC03420.JPG http://f.cl.ly/items/3h0q2s2E40421A0K3T0Y/DSC03427.JPG http://f.cl.ly/items/2o2A423g2E0H2f3v1s2L/DSC03430.JPG http://f.cl.ly/items/2o2A423g2E0H2f3v1s2L/DSC03432.JPG http://f.cl.ly/items/3h0q2s2E40421A0K3T0Y/DSC03431.JPG http://f.cl.ly/items/1W393E0c083p201H1e1t/DSC03433.JPG http://f.cl.ly/items/2C43351j0H0s2701033h/DSC03428.JPG http://f.cl.ly/items/2n301y222V2Y3W2Z2f22/DSC03449.JPG http://f.cl.ly/items/3l1p0J3k1r1f3p1G0V1X/DSC03444.JPG http://f.cl.ly/items/3u0v0l3L2R3b1V472R28/DSC03443.JPG http://f.cl.ly/items/2P2X2Z0r0o0K1e1n0Q3O/DSC03442.JPG http://f.cl.ly/items/1T270D051Q043X3e1h3b/DSC03441.JPG http://f.cl.ly/items/3Q1M080n2Y2X3i1b0x2d/DSC03440.JPG http://f.cl.ly/items/1x3O2I3z1n1N0N3X3u29/DSC03439.JPG http://f.cl.ly/items/3u0v0l3L2R3b1V472R28/DSC03424.JPG http://f.cl.ly/items/2P2X2Z0r0o0K1e1n0Q3O/DSC03423.JPG