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  1. WEBB

    CCTV in elevator help

    (I realize this is an older post but since I have some knowledge in this area, I hope you don't mind that I make a comment here.) The MWP-MMM system has an ASME 17.1 2010 compliant elevator phone which replaces the existing phone in the cab. You simply mount the camera, plug it into the phone and then in the TEL room (or security room) you use a second MMM module to de-multiplex the signal making it available for your DVR. All signals travel over the existing twisted pair telephone wire. Interior views of the elevator cab can also be viewed through an internet I.P address if that is what the project owner is looking for. Card readers and advertising screens can also be plugged into the phone, operating at the same time, without any degradation of quality. There is no need for travel cable to be installed. Great site, this was my first post....thank you for the opportunity guys. Rick