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Everything posted by Filiatrinos

  1. Hello everyone my name is Tony, I'm new on the forum . I'm in the process of setting up and my new business which 3000sq. ft. With indoor/outdoor seating areas. The total seating is 150. There will be 2 POS stations/locations. Will need for sure at least 1 if not two heavy duty, high quality, long reach-capturing outdoor cameras. The rest will be a combination of dome/fish-eyed cams, and straight cams for indoors. I've had someone survey, examine and study my location so I had the material list, schematic-setup of all the cams and where they should be positioned. But the quote I received was outrageous, over $ 15.000!!! I cannot afford that, so I'm taking the independent route. I have been doing much online reading, researching and cross referencing. Most of my options lean towards getting a decent/satisfactory system off ebay. I'm not in the mood of grouping parts from here and there, and trying to make up my own system. I rather just buy one decent/average system which will still provide me good quality and have all the parts that I need in one package. Now my questions are : - What are the Pros and Cons/differences of having a Dvr recorder compared to recording on a PC-tower? - Should I be concerned with the whole digital/megapixel vs analog cameras? Is there that big of a difference? I want to be able to stream the videos live off of my wireless internet signal when I'm away from my business if that helps. - Does Sony produce any good systems/cameras ? - Also why is Samsung looked down upon when it comes to their DVR, CCTV systems? Here are a few deals that I've been looking at on ebay, please take a look and let me know if these are decent systems or garbage. My budget is within the 1000-2500 $ range maximum. I don't know any other online forums that specialize in CCTV's. I hope you guys can help me out, and provide some honest feedback. I am seeking for quality, just not the "greatest" Thanks, here are the links : http://www.ebay.ca/itm/16CH-DVR-Surveillance-Security-CCTV-System-Sony-CCD-1TB-/260832745656?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cbad7d8b8 http://www.ebay.ca/itm/ALD-1600H-B1-CCTV-Security-System-16-cameras-/200657506646?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2eb81e9156 http://www.ebay.ca/itm/16-CH-Channel-CCTV-SONY-CCD-Night-IR-Security-Camera-Surveillance-DVR-System-CBG-/360389207860?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item53e8dee734. And here's a megapixel one, that seems good. Only thing is that it's much pricier than what I can spend : http://www.ebay.ca/itm/4-Camera-CCTV-Elite-Series-NVR-Megapixel-Surveillance-Security-Camera-System-/260906654830?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cbf3f9c6e
  2. Filiatrinos

    Can Anyone Identify These Cameras.

    I tried, but unfortunately I was only able to find out the last one and not the other two. Can anyone else help?
  3. While having an email correspondence with a local camera installer/supplier. I asked him to give me the camera names/models which he had quoted for me, the only thing is that I'm not familiar with the coded terminology they are typed in. Does anyone recognize these models? Can someone please help me identify these? Thanks. See bellow : "The 360 fisheye is CA-GV-IPFE360-4mp, the inside cameras are CA-S-831 4IR-VP-VF and the outdoors ones are s-5356IR."
  4. Thanks for all the well matured and honest advice! You raise some very good points about the whole ebay risk. One question...Considering I'm in Canada, would buying all my equipment from a US retailer be ideal/economical price wise?...I mean there'll still be shipping charges right? (is it not gonna add up?) Plus I would have to install these myself if I toke that route, where as my local guy would take care of all that here, if I still bargain and decide to go with him.