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Everything posted by garageguy

  1. garageguy

    Looking for DVR Firmware Upgrade

    Is this only at night? If it is dark and the headlights of a passing car light an area of your motion sensing region the DVR will interpret this as movement. The DVR is looking for one of the pixels in that region to change.
  2. I just wanted to say that your haunted house is no small production. It looks like you got a lot of freinds and/or neighbors helping out. I used to do a haunted house in my garage years ago, but never anything close to the scale of yours. Looks like a lot of fun. Good luck.
  3. I just received one of these this week. I'm very impressed with it, great camera. I will definately be getting more.
  4. Unscrew the mounting bracket and screw it into the whole on the top of the camera.
  5. garageguy

    CCTV Camera Widget?

    What about this? http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=26942&p=165010&hilit=dhsingle#p165010 its what I use and it works great.
  6. I think that would do it.