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Everything posted by kensplace

  1. kensplace

    Recmmendation for PC-based DVR

    You can use the 'system idle protection' in geovision to automatically restart the recording of the cameras after a preset time idle. This means you can turn of the recording to access various setup options, and if you forget to turn recording back on, it will do it automatically after the system has not been touched for a while, I have mine set to a minute or so. Its under general settings in the setup menu.
  2. kensplace

    Multiplexer MP41N

    Multiplexers usually have at least two outputs, one for 'recording' from, which does exactly what you are seeing now, all cameras switching in sequence very fast, and another that you can view the live image of any particular camera on a monitor. To view recorded images, your DVR needs to play back the rapidly switching images back into the multiplexer, that then will allow the selection of one particular camera to view. So your DVR monitor output needs to go into the input on the DVR, and your DVR should have a play mode, so you can play on the DVR and then select which camera to view on the multiplexer. you will need to view the multiplexers output on a monitor, instead of the DVR's output. Be aware, not all single channel DVR's are compatible with all multiplexors, some have a seperate input to 'sync' the rapidly changing images from the multiplexer to the DVR, some dont. Also, some DVR's do not record the 'hidden' frames that are used by some multiplexors to sync the playback.
  3. kensplace


    Welcome to the forum.
  4. kensplace

    Hello from Mexico

    Welcome to the forum.
  5. kensplace

    terrible audio feedback

    Feedback as in the system is hearing the audio being played? Have you tried listening to the audio through earphones? Or not having a mic anywhere near the machine that is playing the audio?
  6. kensplace

    Can you ID this PTZ ball camera?

    Its a good job the police did not see whoever it was taking the photo's doing it, they are sometimes really over the top when it comes to people taking pictures of CCTV/Security equipment... They have had adverts telling people to report suspected terrorist behaviour, including people paying attention to cctv cameras, photographing them etc.. Its a bit of a pain, when you are heavily into CCTV and also like photography....
  7. kensplace

    Can you ID this PTZ ball camera?

    They do quite a few models in the range, they are also used in the UK TV series Big Brother...
  8. I cant even recall the last time I had to restart my geovision server un-planned... I think it might have been after a prolonged power cut, and the UPS ran out of power.... It just works, and remains stable. Now and again, I will install updates etc and reboot, but other than that, it just sits in its rack and works without any problems. I have seen pirated geovision cards, they look just like the real thing, although the ones i had did not have the hologram the newer cards have (like the one on my geo 1480 card). However, the pirated ones wont work with modern geovision software, they require cracked software, as the 'security' that is present on the custom pic chips on the real geo boards is not present on the fake ones. The chips are present, but the code that is on them isn't as they cant copy that..... I record in full D1 (pal), Im sure the previous versions ran faster though, the new ones seem slower... More sluggish. I will try the latest version soon, Its out I think, to see if its faster, if not I may go back a version or two...
  9. kensplace

    CCTV and TV :)

    Sooo true... TV has a habit of exageration...
  10. kensplace

    Spy Camera flying platform: Police, military, or PI?

    I would love one..... The UK police actually bought something similar, and used it in the field, until they discovered they had been operating it illegally without the licence needed... 40 thousand UK pounds they spent on it... read more
  11. kensplace

    GVBOX110D H.264 Box Camera

    Any low light images?
  12. kensplace

    Help identifying PTZ domes

    Is there no model numbers/identification on the inside, on the pcb/camera etc? It looks similar to the old VCL/Honewell orbiter type outdoor domes
  13. kensplace

    Geovision Software Issue?

    Have you tried running scandisk to see if their are any problems on the drive?
  14. Muxlab did some research on baluns (they also sell baluns) and concluded http://www.muxlab.com/assets/files/application_guides/VE_CCTV_Balun.pdf Analogue CRT monitors will enable you to see problems with a picture from analogue cameras easier than LCD style monitors, CCTV (analogue) was designed for CRT display, so you will get a better picture on one. They are bulky and expensive to run compared to modern flat screens, so many people prefer the newer style, for cosmetic purposes...
  15. kensplace

    IR in the daytime

    Depends on the camera really, if it is a day night model with a ir cut filter that removes at night IR will work at night, and be blocked during the day... Why not put a photosensor switch on the IR to save the electric bills, and the life of the ir unit so it only comes on when its dark?
  16. kensplace

    How can you spot a fake GeoVision card?

    Remember, even if its a genuine one on ebay, geo wont give support to any card not purchased through a authorised seller, and they dont have any authorised sellers selling cards on any auction sites.... So not one single card on ebay can come with genuine geovision warranty or support.
  17. kensplace

    Need urgent help

    As a last resort you could always hook up the output of the dvr into a VCR or DVR recorder and hit play on the DVR and record on the recorder and then give the police a copy of the tape or DVD...
  18. kensplace

    vcl/dedicated micros

    Hi, welcome to the forum. Do you know the model no of the dome?
  19. kensplace

    CMOS cameras and Geovision

    Cannot see why their should be a problem, what *exactly* did geovision say to you.
  20. kensplace

    Good manufacturers of Height-Strip cameras

    Cant see any benefit in using them, far to easy for someone just to stand in front of it and block the image...
  21. kensplace

    Trojan or not???

    Not getting any warnings here, but I have noticed others on the web saying google adsense was hit with the same problem, maybe its adverts being falsely detected? Is it still happening?
  22. Only ever used 3 piece crimp myself, never seen the other types at all, other than on forums.
  23. Try it with a short test cable.
  24. kensplace

    Geovision with Linux

    if you email geovision (or your card distributor) with the details of your card (serial number etc) then they will supply you with a link to download the windows software for the card. Im not aware of any official linux drivers for geovision cards.
  25. kensplace

    New To CCTV

    Welcome to the forum paul.