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Posts posted by IseeYou

  1. I personally use NO-IP


    Thank you for this. It really helps to know what others are using.


    I think I paid $75 bux for two or three years of the "super awesome" level at Dyn.com. There are a lot of options available to you for your money. You also have an expectation of uptime when you pay for it so I am fine with that tiny sum of money to make sure I have service when I want it.


    Free is dang sure not always better!


    Free isn't always better, but I am a programmer and the 6 lines it took to write the script was far simpler than any form to fill out to get free (or paid) service.


    Thank you all so much!

  2. Hello,


    I am of the type that I try to find free instead of pay services. One item that I am looking into is DDNS. From what I read on this forum, http://dyn.com/dns/ used to free but is now a pay service.


    I use Dropbox on all the PCs that I use and was wondering if anyone can see an issue with using the external IP of where the DVR is opposed to using a ddns? I would run a script on the DVR network that queries what the external IP address is. Then save the IP as a file in Dropbox which would update me as to the external IP of my home network (I also have Dropbox on my mobile so no issues there either).


    Sounds to me like this is a simple, homebrew DDNS.


    What are your thoughts?



    I See You

  3. Totally off topic - but I got my CNB's last week. Put them on a test bench - damn they are sweet!


    Now I have only ever handled a bullet type camera that felt and probably was plastic. I am sure I could shoot a bullet (pun intended) at the CNB and not break anything. They are tough! Also, the VPS and baluns made hook up easy! Now just to play around with the DVR and motion recording. Thanks for all your help!

  4. I too am following Soundy's advice and went with a VPS/balun solution. I made my first purchase (VPS, baluns and patch cables) and plan on ordering the cameras and DVR in about 2 weeks.


    I plan to put some cams on a test bench so I can let you know how easy this setup will be when the time comes.


    Soundy links to Eastern but you cannot purchase from them - PM and will let you know where I got mine from.



  5. Joined the forum a little while ago, but came looking for answers to questions that I had and hopefully to give my two cents when I can.


    I am on my way to my first install, and once I have gotten all the products - I will put up a blog to show what I have done!


    Thanks to all that have helped answer my questions.

  6. Soundy - the OP states this: i forgot to mention i plug the cameras into the dvr using the 165ft and it was color and the pictures was crisp camera is 650tvl.. but when i add an adapter and connect the power ends it gives me black and white...


    Which I read as I have connected the camera close using only the 165ft cable. But once I add the adapter and more cable it goes b/w


    Just my two cents

  7. I am new to the forum but have been reading up a lot!


    For your email question - you would need to see how the DVR sends out the email. Did you use your Virgin email settings in the configuration in the DVR? Some ISP's only allow Email clients to connect to their servers to send out mail. I am not sure how a DVR sends out mail.


    Others may want to know more information - like what DVR and such - so you may want to put that infomraton in as well.
