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Everything posted by jtfab75

  1. Hi, i got a qvis atlantis dvr a few weeks ago, today I went to Internet Explorer put the IP address, then when the Qvis log in screen came up I put in my password but it said password error. I went to the dvr it self put the password in and again password error. The log on screen say 'Lack Authority'. I've used CMS a few times this week for playback. Anyone any ideas ?
  2. jtfab75

    Qvis Atlantis password problem

    I contacted the shop where I bought it from, they got the master password from Qvis. All sorted now. Thanks
  3. hi, ive bought a Qvis Atlantis D1 dvr , i've connected it up to my network and i can see the pictures from my pc but i'm unable to play back. what am i doing wrong ? thanks
  4. I've got play back in the CMS software, it just the browser I don't, Any ideas ?
  5. I downloaded upto date CMS software. I can now see my cameras in the browser and on the CMS software, but I'm unable to play from either.
  6. In CMS software I can change the settings of the dvr but I get no picture, it's either a green or fuzzy screen. Thanks
  7. Hi, yeh I've installed active x, CMS and Qvis player ( this doesn't work either)
  8. http://i1033.photobucket.com/albums/a415/Jamestay1/imagejpg1_zpsd5febb9b.jpg
  9. hi, i don't have a playback problem when i'm physically using it just when its over the network. i put the ip address of the dvr into IE , i can view all my camera's but thats it. i'll get a photo to show you.
  10. IN THE UK Hi,I'm wanting a 4 channel dvr usb stick to connect to my xp laptop. I've seen EasyCap but I wondered if any more I should be looking at ?? thanks