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  1. MountainMan

    Embed Foscam Cam to Web Page

    From what I've gathered, it seems as though H.264 cams don't work with the above URLs. I've talked to Foscam support for about three hours today, they remote controlled my PC, and were unable to get it working. The tech said he was going to try to look into it and call me back the next day if he finds anything out. From the sounds of it this would have been much simpler if I had just gone with an MJPEG cam.
  2. MountainMan

    Embed Foscam Cam to Web Page

    Hey there, Thanks for the response. I've read about those links in the Foscam forums but can't seem to get them working for me. It just takes me to a 404 page with an error that reads: "The requested URL '/snapshot.cgi?user=guest&pwd=guest' was not found on this server." Here is the exact format of the URL I am using: http://x.x.x.x:8090/snapshot.cgi?user=guest&pwd=guest http://x.x.x.x:8090/videostream.cgi?user=guest&pwd=guest I just put that URL straight into my browser and it should load, right? My model is an H.264 cam, I wonder if the above links only work with MJPEG cams? My port forwarding is set to 8090 on the cam's settings and on my router. I'm not using wireless and have the cam plugged in directly to the router at all times. Would this has something to do with dynamic IP's or some such? I was directed by the Foscam Quick Access Guide to go to no-ip.com and set up a URL. Do I need to do anything with that? All in all, this whole thing has been quite the challenge. I've got a simple IP cam hardwired into my router; I didn't imagine it'd be this difficult to put its video onto a web page.
  3. Hey there, I've just purchased the Foscam FI8608W H.264 cam. I've looked through Foscam's website and forums but have found very limited assistance. I was wondering if perhaps I could find some help here, as I am very much in need of it! Ultimately, I just want a very simple feed of my Foscam cam on a web page without requiring any login and with no interface. Just the cam stream, nothing more. Are there any services/programs/code that can allow me to do this easily?
  4. Hey there buellwinkle, thanks for the reply. After doing a bit of research I've learned that hamsters can see UV light, but not IR light. So an IR cam should be fine. While I would absolutely love to get a Panasonic camera (since they seem very easy to embed onto a website from what I've been reading), sadly none of their cameras have IR capabilities. Panasonic's cameras seemed to operate at 3 Lux for their night mode settings, and according to a few reviews the results were not that great. I could maybe put up a tiny night light, as you mentioned, for a Panasonic cam, but I'm not sure if it'd help all that much considering the dismal reviews Panasonic's 3 Lux night mode has been getting. I looked at AVTech's product line up and they, too, seem to not offer any IR options. Regarding IR, I don't mind having a b&w image if that means that the hamster can be seen well enough in his habitat. Also, the more I research, the more it seems like I'd prefer H.264 compression rather than MPEG. Anyhow, my main requirement is the need to easily embed the stream onto an HTML page. At present I'm looking at some Foscam's, but the only one that seems to have H.264 support is out of stock everywhere (the FI9820). Seems like at every turn I'm hitting a dead end. I'm relatively new at all this, so my apologies if I'm coming off as a tad dense. I can maybe bump my price range up to $300 if need be, but I'd prefer to not go any higher than that considering I just want a basic IR cam with a decent image that can be easily embedded on an HTML page. Here are the two that I'm looking at currently, though I'm not too familiar with the Esky brand. http://www.amazon.com/Foscam-FI8608W-100-Channels-Recording-Software-Pan/dp/B0084P0AEO http://www.amazon.com/Esky-C5900-H-264-Wireless-Camera/dp/B005CMN0RQ/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top
  5. I had originally wanted to get a Panasonic camera, as they seemed recommended in a number of places on these forums, but from looking over their website I couldn't find any cameras that had IR. Which, considering the nocturnal nature of the hamster and how he only moves around when it's dark, kind of makes an automatic IR mode essential.
  6. Hey there community! I'm new here, but from the looks of things these forums are quite helpful. I've got a website that I'm setting up about hamsters (quite the niche website) and I actually have a hamster that I'd like to show on a 24 hour webcam stream. So here's what I'm thinking I'll likely need: Hamsters are nocturnal, so he'll only start moving around in his cage once it gets dark, so I need a camera that will switch IR on automatically once it gets dark. Since the camera will be set relatively close to the cage (which isn't even that large) I don't need the IR to reach far at all. I don't need too much video quality or fps, but something decent would be nice (640x480 with about 15 fps would be fine). Hamsters are small, so I probably wouldn't want anything lower quality than that or else he might be difficult to see. I'd like a camera that has a zoom function, but it's not crucial. His cage is relatively large and it'd be nice to manually zoom in on him whenever he's sleep during the day. Since the camera will be so close to his cage I wouldn't really need any powerful optical zoom; a basic digital would be fine I'm sure. 802.11n support would be nice, since the home network I'll be going through has a stupidly expensive Dual N router with a rather high internet speed running through it. I hope I don't come off as though I want you guys to do my shopping for me; I've been doing a good bit of research online for something that fits my needs and I think I may have found a few. I just wanted to get some advice before making a purchase. My main thing is that I want to know whether I can embed the camera on an HTML page on my site. All the IP cams I'm looking at seem to come with software and I'm not sure how easy it'd be to just ignore the software entirely and pull just the stream from my camera for use on my site. For example, a ZyXEL that I'm looking at has some proprietary software that you have to log into to view your camera. I wonder how easy it'd be to just use some embedding code using the camera's IP address. Anyhow, here are a few cameras I'm looking at currently. Any advice on these? Most importantly, would it be possible to embed any of these camera's stream onto my own site? http://www.amazon.com/ZyXEL-Wireless-Camera-Vision-IPC4605N/dp/B0071N5I3I http://www.amazon.com/Esky-C5900-H-264-Wireless-Camera/dp/B005CMN0RQ/ref=pd_cp_p_0 http://www.amazon.com/Foscam-FI8910W-Wireless-Network-Camera/dp/B006ZP8UOW/ http://www.amazon.com/LOFTEK-Newest-Wireless-Wired-installation-Black/dp/B004GWQBWY/ Sorry for the wordy post (wanted to be as detailed about my needs as possible). Appreciate any help you all can throw my way. Cheers!