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  1. The company I ordered from also said that they are nation wide and order enough to get distributor pricing. I'm sure that has a lot to do with the pricing they pass along to the individual. I wanted to say thank you to you for the service and information you provide to this community, I would have had no clue where to start or what to purchase without your help.
  2. I've decided to go with Greg's guy. He is a partner and very reasonable! I will add more to this post once I get the cameras in and setup. Went with a D12 and E72
  3. I contacted Acti to get a list of some larger US sellers. If I get anything from them I will let you guys know. I'm going to call a few more places and see how pricing varies. I have to ask is A1 Security Cameras a scam site? Those prices are silly in comparison.
  4. Here is a quick price breakdown of the 4 cameras I'm looking at across 4 different retailers. A1 is the cheapest by far. I'm going to call around a few more places. The prices jump from BHPhoto to Wrightwood isn't that great at all, considering one is covered by Acti and one isn't. D12 E12 E74 E72 security Best Buy $173 $215 $405 $347 A1 Security Cameras $152 $190 $366 $312 bh photo $170 $213 $434 $350 Wrightwood $235 $438 $376
  5. I'm going to put SD cards in them but I was planning on have the files write to a dropbox shared folder, or have the files auto uploaded to my FTP site.
  6. Of the 3 re-sellers in Houston only one answered their phones and then put me on hold not to return. Do you have a number for a place in Kentucky? Are they about the same price as Wrightwood?
  7. Ahh ok. Seems odd place like Bhphoto isn't authorized.
  8. Good lord their expensive. I might have to call some of the locals guys in Houston.
  9. Just found this video on the with the different cameras. Seem like any of the three would do the trick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6mrU9jQ2i8 Where do you guys prefer to get your cameras from? Their site isn't helpful about finding trusted online retailers.
  10. Thank you for chiming in! I do have bright lights coming in during the day and leave a light on at night, but I will hopefully aim this camera down so that the windows aren't in the shot. This camera will cover my stairs and front door. In your opinion do I need to get the 3mp camera or will the 1mp do the trick?
  11. Thank you! I just wanted to make sure I'm not missing something. What cameras did you decide on for the inside of your house? I'm leaning toward the E12 or D12. I would like one I could sit on my desk like the ACM-8511, but that is pricey for what I want.
  12. I've been reading through pages and pages for about a year now and finally decided I need to install some cameras in/around my house before something happens not after. I will get two Acti E74 or E72 for the outside. I haven't really decided if the E74's are truly worth it. I still need to pick out two cameras for inside. I want to put one on my desk and one above our kitchen cabinets that will cover the front door and stairs. My plan is to run these two my computer and use the Acti free software and ftp to a server. My question is other than the camera and a PoE device what else do I need to order to get up and running? I feel like it should be more complex than just that and the software but I want to make sure I order everything at once.