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  1. renegadebuck

    Newbe here in need of advice.

    The camera wouldn't be at the end, no where near really. It's 300 yds from the house where the motion detector is, and car alarm will be. When the alarm goes off, I let the dog out, glance for headlights, and then would sit at the monitor and call up what set it off. If I see headlights, I'm out the door with the dog. I'm going to take your advice(after all, that is why I asked for it), and put cameras on the shop incorporating the power line wifi if possible. The idea of a camera where the alarm is, is the same as the alarm. I want to know somethings coming before its here. One of my neighbors (about 4 miles away, but that's local) was invaded by desperate druggies with a sawed off shotgun and pistols not long ago. He knew they were there just before they were in. When in a defensive situation, distance is your friend. I don't ever expect or want to be in that position, if I'm prepared, I won't. After all, I was a Boy Scout. Thank you very much!
  2. renegadebuck

    Newbe here in need of advice.

    Oops! I left out "at night" on the last post. I know there's no problem during the day. It's at 3:30 in the morning like this morning when the alarm went off 3 times in 2 hours that I want to know.
  3. renegadebuck

    Newbe here in need of advice.

    I don't have line of sight from the shop, but I do from the house (not of the entrance, but to part of the driveway) Is there a camera that would be reasonably priced that would have a 300 yd range?
  4. renegadebuck

    Newbe here in need of advice.

    I still think the camera needs to be powered separately as the placement needed for alert time is (I measured today) 150 yds from the shop. It is across the field from the shop and house. However, running info to the house from the shop is possible I guess via the means you suggested. I'll look into it most definitely. The house and shop are on the same meter, but different breaker boxes. My driveway is 1/2 mile long and is shared for the first 1/8 mile. There is another house about an 1/8 mile from me but it's empty. So, anyone here is lost, up to no good, or has called ahead of time. I have a motion detector on the drive now that I want to monitor with the camera as it would save sleep and steps in general. I know deer can set it off, I'm not sure about coyotes. It depends on their height. Catching them is mandatory as there is no one around to hear an alarm but me and the mutt. He's legendary to the crackheads and tweekers around here as he has bitten several. They still try him when they get desperate. So far, he's won. I really like the car alarm. That's going to be a definite, Thanks!!
  5. renegadebuck

    Newbe here in need of advice.

    Thank you all for the replies. ronp, the field is mowed and cars and trucks run over it getting to my shop, so over ground is not a good idea. The ground is so difficult to dig in, the power to my shop is not completely covered up. It's just ran in a place with little traffic, and I sweat bullets every time I mow. The phone is a satellite from the house. It works as long as I don't shut the shop door. One side of the field (landlocked side) is easily penetrated, but the side I need to monitor is really a pain. The camera needs to be roughly 100 yds from the shop and 300 yds from the house to monitor the alarm and give enough time to respond. I have several muscle cars that I'm in process of restoring, or that are waiting to be restored, so I don't want to wait until someone is picking over the cars to find out they are there. I could just put a camera on the shop if they were closer, but that wouldn't give enough response time if I'm asleep. Out here, the police are just for cleaning up the mess and taking reports. Unless one is just riding by, they are at least 18 minutes away, in reality, closer to 30. That's in an emergency, not a robbery, so until I get a camera up, the dog, AK, and me will just keep walking when the alarm sounds. If the economy was better and I could get a better price for the finished cars, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
  6. renegadebuck

    Newbe here in need of advice.

    That's a retarded reply... " title="Applause" /> I second that. As for your question. You should seriously try to run a wire or two because though solar powered wireless camera kits are available they are seriously expensive and hardly a DIY Project. I would suggest trying to find a wire route, even if you have to dangle them through the trees. It sucks and looks like crap but if it's your property and you're willing to do the work yourself you'll save thousands of dollars. If you really can't get wires out there, call a professional CCTV company that can quote a custom solution for you... Oh and the license plate thing will require a significant amount of work to achieve reliably. Again something you'll need a pro to come on-site and calculate. Thank you for the reply. To run wires through trees wouldn't be a problem. The problem is about 3 acres of open field with a high iron/mineral content which draws lightning and would be very difficult to dig a trench as the phone co found out. To go around the edge would require over 1500 feet, probably closer to 2500 feet of wire, and would still be a lightning rod as the phone wire is now. The camera may be a target no matter what, but I'll have to start with a fiberglass pole and see what happens. I'll have to build this system over time as I know the expense is going to be more than I can stand at once. I would like to start with a 4 camera system and 1 camera. If you or anyone else has any suggestions as to equipment it would be appreciated.
  7. renegadebuck

    Newbe here in need of advice.

    Hehe! good!!!! WTF???? Are you a moron or what? I just asked for some advice from someone with more knowledge than me. If you have it, please share it. If not allow someone that has it to do so.
  8. I have a shop and house in the woods, and therefore everything is spread out. I have motion detectors that do a great job, but can't distinguish between deer, coyote, dogs, people or cars. The dog goes off with the alarm, but that still doesn't let me know if I need to bolo for a thief and I really am getting tired of walking the 250 yards or so to not find anything. I am going to install a video system, but it needs to be solar powered and wireless as the distance and terrain dictate it. I just need something I can recall on the monitor to see if I should be alarmed or not. It doesn't have to be great, just day/night capable and good enough to read license tags at 30-50 feet. I should be in line of sight as I am now with the motion detector at 300 yards. Thanks in advance for your ideas for this solution.