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  1. catfish80

    terminating rs 485??

    Yes, I have the addresses correct, just need to know the proper way to terminate the rs 485
  2. catfish80

    terminating rs 485??

    after more research, i am using the star wiring pattern, i will in the future add more ptz's with a possibly longer run. There are no dip switches to terminate like i have read elsewhere, so if i terminate now, which i still do not know how, will i be able to reverse that once a longer run goes up. the ptz i need to terminate is a qsee qd6531z, once again i apologize if this is repetive information you folks provide.
  3. hello everyone, and sorry for this stupid question. I did a search on the forum and came up empty handed but i am putting in my second ptz and intend to put more in down the road as money becomes available. I am having no luck with my second ptz tho, when i hook it up, i have full control of it but lose control of my original, i have assigned them the appropiate address that syncs up with the identical address on my dvr so i dont think that is the problem. After reading about this, i think i need to terminate the long run, buuuutttttt, i dont know how. Please be kind as I am new here and will hopefully be able to provide advice to other "newbies" down the road as I gain knowledge. Any diagrams, picture, etc... would be greatly appreciated. Thank in advance