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  1. sirgrindsalot

    Hydraulic/telescoping/lowering poles

    The PV 16 (the cheap one) is almost 3,000.00. Cost. Add mark-up, concrete & labor you're talkin quite a bit more. Cost is almost double that on the PV18. Nice but VERY expensive. (especially when compared to an aluminum tube).
  2. sirgrindsalot

    Hydraulic/telescoping/lowering poles

    They are a lot of money however they way they work and the features they have make up for this (a little anyway). They come pre wired. When the camera is raised to it's highest level it automatically plugs in. When it's lowered you simply unplug the cable from the pole and plug it into the camera for testing. Rasing and lowering is done using a portable drill. Pretty slick. Expensive but slick.
  3. sirgrindsalot

    Hydraulic/telescoping/lowering poles

    Thank you very much. That Videoalarm Polevator will definately fit the bill but jeez that's a lot of money.
  4. sirgrindsalot

    Hydraulic/telescoping/lowering poles

    Hello, I have an application where a camera needs to be mounted to a pole (approx 16-20'). It would be very nice if I could lower the camera down somehow for service rather than ladder up to it. I searched a bit but found nothing. Anyone know anyone who makes a pole that would do this?? It could telescope, swivel down, whatever, but has to be a quality product. Thanks.
  5. sirgrindsalot

    License Plate Camera

    Hijacking the thread again.... Thanks guys for your help. I contacted the people at Extreme CCTV and they were VERY helpful. Lots of information on there website too. Including an "Interactive Product Advisor" that is helpful in determining which model to use. You guys are the shizznit. Thanks again.
  6. sirgrindsalot

    License Plate Camera

    Hope you dont mind if I jump in here. With those cameras that you linked too Rory, do you also need an infrared light to go along with them for nightime view of plates? Or is it not necessary? Thanks.