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Everything posted by bryan583

  1. Hey all I recently bought 2 IP cameras 1 is a Schlage wce-100 and I flashed to over to North Q so it could be used freely, the other is a Motorola RC4020 which is actually the same as the schlage camera. Both cameras are 5v, I am looking at buy an 8 port PoE injector and since these cameras aren't really PoE they would need a Splitter. So in my research I see there are active and Passive Splitters. From what Ive found Is that the only real difference is the Active has a long running distance about 130 meters and Passive has about 100-130feet. Any Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  2. bryan583

    PoE=passive vs active

    Thanks coolie, I did look more into this setup and see that the active splitters reduce the voltage down to 5v and the injector still has the 24v output. Ive already ordered this one and just waiting for it to show up. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Foscam-Wansview-5v-power-supply-and-data-extension-up-to-328-ft-/170957746355?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item27cde030b3
  3. bryan583

    Hi all From Michigan

    Thanks MGB Thats exactly what I was looking for. I'll probably sell my DVR card and camera and video balun setup to recoupe some of that Money. Then start looking at Ip cams. Do you have any suggestions on IP/network cams. I prefer wired over wireless. Thanks
  4. bryan583

    Hi all From Michigan

    Hello, I've been researching and came across this forum several times so I decided to join. I would like to setup a home security camera system with remote access from my smartphone, tablet,laptop. Ive already bought a 4ch pci dvr card and a Sony camera ( can't remember model #) with a BNC connection. After playing around with these I've decided I don't like the DVR card more specifically the software. So I'd like to use the camera but over UTP. I've already got one of my towers set up as a home server and I can remotely access my home network through my phone. What I can't seem to find is a video balun that will run video and power over Cat5e/6 cable. Most of the ones I have found have a BNC terminator for each end with a CAT cable in the middle. A little about me and my background: 18 yrs of IT: Administration, break/fix, support, networking (installing,troubleshooting) 10yrs Handy man type work roofing,plumbing,drywall,electrical,flooring working and learing with some of the best people I know Jack of all trades and master of none Thanks for any help thrown my way. Bryan
  5. If you are still interested YES you can run vitaminD on the paspberry pi. Even though the pi is Linux based you can download a program called "wine". Sudo apt-get install wine1.4 Copy and paste this into a terminal and it will download and install wine then you will be able to install vitamin D. Hope this helps.
  6. bryan583

    Hi all From Michigan

    I'm new and was able to post a link.... mgb- I checked the other ones you posted along with the website and I had ordered (from somewhere else) ones like posted and they are wrong for what im looking for. They still have BNC connections on each end and with a cat cable in the middle and a external power supply. I would like to connect the balun to the camera both BNC and Power then connect a cat5 cable to my switch and use it as a network camera, having both video and power sent to and from my network.
  7. bryan583

    Hi all From Michigan

    Thanks for that Looks like i'll have to cut the power plug on the camera and solder them to the balun. Hows this look? http://www.cablingplus.com/products/comelit-cblnpt-cctv-video-balun-and-ptz Much cheaper if it will work