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Everything posted by cctv_down_under

  1. cctv_down_under


    has anyone tried the Dlink IP cam stuff?
  2. cctv_down_under


    pretty darn cheap too for IP stuff
  3. cctv_down_under

    Playstation 3

    cant use a keyboard and mouse....I am too slow, give me a controller and Halo and I'll kick all ya arses LOL
  4. cctv_down_under


    I doubt your tv aerial will be bnc connection...well they arent here anyhow!
  5. I tend to agree with you JPEG 2000 is pretty exciting stuff I must say, it is midnight here so not going into detail about compression comparisons or I could be here all night, all I might add is that the MPEG variety offers more flexibility than JPEG does at this point...point taken with the banks, hell I should know I have done 16 of them, also casinos will not accept anything other than MPEG2, The way MPEG does work lends itself to issues, however it is very flexible with network infrastructure and especially video content analysis, which in my opinion will be the next big thing. I did a fair bit of research on compressions a while back and each has its own benefits and witht he size of storage growing MPEG does loose some of them, you are right to say that any Manu can claim to be great becasue of the MPEG already made chips, I was reading something the other day on a brand new compression but I cant seem to find it, if i do find it I will post here...mark my words JPEG2000 will be very interesting indeed once it is fully developed becasue it incorporates some of the best ideas in all compressions. The cheap ready made MPEG4 chips makes it more popular and therefore it gets a hype becasue more people manufacture it, therefore more sales hype due to volume, but it has been developing at a rather fast pace compared to others
  6. cctv_down_under


    make sure the cam corder's yellow plug is an out and the Tv/VCR is an In ...best bet is find video out from the back of the VCR, usually going directly to your tv, or amp and then put a rca to bnc connector on it and then play a tape, that should work
  7. cctv_down_under

    For Sale

    1 x Soul....Hardly used ..can be traded for Job in the USA!
  8. cctv_down_under


    If you put a lot of orders through your supplier then ask them for buffer stock, they will have goods they sent back to the manufactorer for repair that were returned to them so if you r agood customer?? If you are dealing with the manufactorer, they should have heaps of DOA repaired items that they have second hand, they should help you out if you are a good customer.
  9. cctv_down_under

    Playstation 3

    Which is best PS3 Xbox or Nintendo, I really should treat myself this christmas
  10. cctv_down_under

    Gosting on LCD and bad Cam Image

    If ghosting is not on all monitors then it is likely that you have weakenbed the signal, also you need to check to see if the monitors have termination built in, and are you looping from one monitor to the next or do you have a distribuiton amplifier that has one input and several outputs (recommended) take care that you did not buy a video distributor instead of an amped video distributor, you need to rebalance your signal back to 75 ohms, try taking out the connectors and running to longest monitor, not connected to anything else and no T pieces, Daisy chaining is probably what caused you issue at a guess!
  11. cctv_down_under

    What PTZ protocol to use?

    Pelco is the most popular of PTZ protocols, even some big names like Bosch also support pelco in the actual camera, IE you can change a Bosch Camera to be a Pelco controlled device..
  12. cctv_down_under

    RG59 extensions

    Wow I have never spliced, say coops...does it make a difference how short the connection that is being spliced on is, IE short bit to the DVR or short bit near a camera as apposed to in the middle of a run? I use cameras that have an inbuilt disty amp...well actually its better than that they send a signal up the coax and measure the impedance, then the camera can automatically compensate for any loss, it hink the cameas are actually able to run around 800 feet without los on RG59, kinda handy never needing to use an amp and means that all cameras have same signal quality at the DVR end making them look balanced on the screen.
  13. cctv_down_under

    Need help in deciding

    Its hard to get good name brands at cheap prices, try Ganz as they haev local support in the US, assuming you are in the US, buying of ebay is fine until one breaks!!
  14. cctv_down_under


    The extreme range are the best I have seen, you can put lenses on them to get the coverage you want they also provide seperate types for seperate spreads and detail them in specifications with measurements, PM me if you need info...Beware though they are not cheap
  15. cctv_down_under

    Need a March Networks Supplier

    Are there any March Networks Suppliers in Australia, or able to ship to Australia in less than 3 days, if so could you please PM me prices
  16. cctv_down_under

    Need a March Networks Supplier

    Anyone from anywhere else in the world?
  17. cctv_down_under

    realtime backup

    Thats what I meant
  18. cctv_down_under

    Hard Drives - Speed and Cooling

    Keep in mind PSU consumption as well, more drives = more power needed
  19. cctv_down_under

    A few basics to understand...

    The swan is very cheap, you do get what you pay for, but as always Tom is right
  20. cctv_down_under

    geovision gv200

    I assure you the GV200 did exist, in fact before that there was a GV100, BOY HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN DOING THIS LOL The thing to watch out for is that the ol 200 card used to use a ...wait for it.....Serial Dongle...later versions had it on the card itself, but I think that was only with the GV250, yes you will need the old software V5..but V5 had loads of bugs so prolly back to 4.2 for you... I feel old now.....geez I rememeber when this forom started and Rory and I used to argue about Geovision....would you believe that Rory always used to state that he would " Never ever use Geovision as it is is crap" and that he would never do a PC based system install EVER
  21. cctv_down_under

    How to handle 100 units of IP camera??

    Youa re going to want to set up a private IP network, you do not need to big a conenction if only three cameras or so at each site and I agree that Ip is the way to go, the bys are right the biggest headache is going to be the control room, sometimes it is better to have several sites for this spread out, but you need to add up the bandwisth coming in, you will definately need at least three NVManagers and three NVR recording servers, the most important thing is to consider your flow of traffic....you will need multiple lines coming in and what aboiut redundancy? Your best bet is to talk to an ISP becasue 40 odd sites would be large enough to raise interest to help you, work out your back bone and then there are many options to allow for the control you need, there are plenty of bandwidth calculators around so it should be easy enough to work out
  22. I agree with Thomas, but not entirely, each compression does have its own benefits but I will say that MPEG4 and H264 are leading the development race, it could be argued that it depends largely on the actual compression and also the situation, for example if using a PTZ then the benifits found in H264 are rendered mostly useless...each compression has differing benefits so compression should not be the only concern...for an end user things like: 1/ Warranty 2/ Support 3/ Ease of Use Should be considered long before the 4 choices above are even considered...for my two cents..your budget is not enough to buy a reasonable system as a good PC Card solution, now I know we all do this for a living so we are very biased against cheap stuff, but consider that no one in here is trying to sell to you so you should know that there is a large level of experience with dealing with cheaper products. The fact is that in life these days you really can buy some things quite cheap mfrom Asia and indeed of Ebay but becasue Security requires you to provide a result (evidence) it is not a place that you can afford to skimp on. The long and short is that you probably are better getting a quality brand product second hand with some form of warrantyand you certainly have a better chance getting support in here for it, or my suggestion is buy a cheap 4ch BOX (standalone) if you want to from Ebay, but stay away from the cheap PC cards. If you bought a chaep DVR player the difference to you might be negligable, you migt not need top sound and for it to last forever or crystal clear reproduction but security is not as standardised as the DVD market is so buying cheap can ofte render you without a system that works "fit for purpose"
  23. I am curious as to how it would be illegal Tom, fill me in, even on your own premise. I have noticed though that most of the auto track PTZ's now all have privacy mask and more importantly an area you can set for the motion tracking, I have never liked auto tracking in PTZ's except indoors, but being able to set an area nly is very usefull indeed...Imagine a doorway or a small pathway, if you can ignore everything outside of the small area, it becomes quite usefull, I had it on in the office for ages but it was looking at a ptz outside (this is before you could narrow it down) and it picked up too many things, so I never tried to sell it as a feature, mind you ...you do have to consider that even if it is on and it picks up too many things, that is still better than it standing still and not being used. I have seen people complain that it is too sensitive but when you tell them not having it means that you need to sit there all day they soon think it is a pretty neat feature. I actually like the new idea in the Auto Track 2 from Bosch becuase it lets you plug in options like, auto track, IP conversion etc etc http://www.boschsecuritysystems.com/au/en/start/load.htm?news&cms=%7bsite:au;ID:au1069e%7d
  24. cctv_down_under

    realtime backup

    To avoid network bandwisth doing a network drive, put a second network card in the Geovision and use the control centre software that comes with Geo, it can send the video and record at another pc when motion occurs in front of the camera, simply enable the control centre feature on Geo and load it onto a second pc
  25. cctv_down_under

    speco dvr tn series

    The problem could also be the distance, you cant run VGA cable long without deteriorating the signal and splitting it will make it worse, you need a high quality cable specially made with gold pins to run longer distances. Is the DVR a PC or True standalone, because if it is PC then the VGA will be ok..so long as it is the main systems screen you are talking about and not the secondary output, but if it is a true standalone..it is unlinkely to have a VGA output and if it does it will always look poorer. The first thing to work out is what is the main output and what is the secondary output, IE is the main VGA = PC if so then try a non LCD screen and short cable to see if it improves...if it is a true standalone then use a standard CRT composite monitor and th picture will be awesome. Keep in mind the PC can only send out digitised video but a standalone can send out raw video..there is a big difference however some PC Based DVR's use a thing called a DSP card, this is digitised but not compressed like the capture chips that record so the output is close to the quality of standard composite video. Firstly what are you trying to achieve...if you only want one cam on the second monitor then that is one story, and if you want to run your monitor from a long way away that is another...let us know the set up and equipment and we can advise you, keep in mind when using LCD's to take into consideration Resolution, Refresh Rates and Contrast ratios