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  1. Building A). provides internet has about 16 devices shares internet through ubiquiti nanostation m5 to a location 750 feet away. Building B). Catches connection on another nanostation, shares it with 6 stations and a few devices. We would like to add some cameras to B but worried about adding conjestion to the network. Ideally if we could find a dvr that is decent where all the cameras plug into that unit, and the dvr would stay in building b and connect to the network without having to connect all the cameras. This way we could save from everything having to pass over the wireless to the router and back. We would like to setup 12 cameras, but would be fine with starting out with a few and adding more later. Features needed: Remote viewing. Reccording from certain cameras but not all Wanted features: record on movement A few cameras be PTZ Id be thankful for any help!