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  1. zenapp

    Simple home system using old PC

    Thanks for your reply, unfortunately I cant use wireless but is wired an option with the set up I suggested?
  2. Hi ive been looking on eBay for a system to install at the front of my house to detect motion on the drive way and record it on the mini PC I already own. The camera I have seen is the 700TVL camera and the mini PC I own already has 500GB hard drive and power supply etc and is connected to the home network and can be safely always switched on kept out of the way. So the questions i have are - 1) If i buy the camera (there is one one eBay for about £50) what sort of cabling for video and power do I need and what type of graphics card connection do i need to get it hooked up to the mini PC? 2) What software could i buy to install on the mini PC to capture when motion is detected and dump content into a network folder? Thanks for your help Z