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Everything posted by Highlander25

  1. Highlander25

    After a bit of advice

    Hi all, I'm looking some advice on buying cctv systems for home use. I've been looking into this recently but everyone I speak to tells me their system is the best and is just what i need! here's my situation(s) I'm in Scotland. ------------------------------- I would like a 4 camera system for the exterior of the house, basically if it records movement with a reasonable picture I'd be happy. I have spare PC's I could use if this were an option? ------------------------------- I rent a farm building in which I keep/restore cars. about half a mile from home. Over a period of time i've been having some things stolen/damaged I'd like a small standalone (battery powered?) camera to record any movement within the building, I have mains power but its not a reliable supply. -------------------------------- I also do a bit of offroading/wheeling, drive a van regularly long distance and would like an onboard camera to record the action. I have been reading through a lot of other threads but I get lost in the jargon very quickly Can anyone point me in the direction of what I actually need? Could I use a mobile cam for both building security and offroad use?
  2. Highlander25

    Hi from Scotland

    Hi all, joined up looking for some advice
  3. Highlander25

    After a bit of advice

    Nah, that guy was an Aussie! (actually I think he's really from the USA??)
  4. Highlander25

    After a bit of advice

    Game cameras! thats exactly what i'm looking for, I didn't even appreciate such a thing existed! Thank you! As for the house system, is there a way to connect cameras to a PC rather than a specialised DVDR unit? I have pretty high spec PC's with a lot of storage capacity and it seems silly not to utilise it if possible.