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Posts posted by MR2

  1. Weighing back into this one...


    the better 4k+ cam's seem to have a the larger 1/1.7" Sensor, and with a larger sensor hopefully a better Lens... So far


    Dahua have 12mp @15FPS:


    HF81200E (Box, no Lensincluded, but in their catalog they list a few separately for it)

    HFW81200E-Z (Bullet incl lens)

    HDBW81200E-Z (Claims to be a dome w/motorized lens)


    I'm not seeing pricing listed anywhere for these...


    Hikvision are only offering up to 8.3mp


    DS-2CD40C5F (Box)

    DS-2CD4A85F-IZ (Smart Bullet)

    DS-2CD4585F-I (Smart outdoor Dome)

    DS-2CD4685F-IZ (Smart Bullet, fancier mounting arm)


    Again not seeing much by way of reasonable pricing... would prefer the 12mp I think going off the Bosch results


    this is a demo of the Hik... why these guys keep doing indoor demo's is beyond me... but anyway.



    the only Dahua I've come across is equally useless




    this is the sort of demo I want, preferably zoomed even further back and showing the widest angles of the lens on the various units


  2. I think it's crap, IPVM seemed to like it, it seems to Smash the Axis which is classic.


    Dahua $500

    Axis $1k

    Bosch $1600


    I noticed the dahua 4K is only 7fps.. how bad (or still good) is 7fps? Would you rather have 25fps 3mp? Is there anyone a PRO member of the following who can share at least a summary of how the dahua 4k perform in say low light?




    To find out, we tested Dahua's HFW4800E against 4K cameras from Axis (P1428-E) and Bosch (Dinion 8000) in full light, low light, and WDR scenes to see how they compare.


    The complete report is available only to PRO Members.


    I'm a pro member, it did pretty well (smashed the axis) still don't like it

  3. Avigllon vs Milestone


    Sunday, Sunday, Sunday





    haha nice, I don't know enough about Avigilon to really compare, it's very good news that the Hikvision's work on it though, might actually get some pricing and do a compare, the next site we need a system in maybe I'll load it up and see how it fairs.


    I don't believe that for a second


    Milestone allows lots of view however they have an actual video wall product that's quite expensive, I bet that no-one else does exactly what it does without charging appropriately


    of note, I have no idea exactly what it does.. sooooo :P


    come back and say sorry



    or, shoot the question off to Milestone and ask them to prove their product...


    how much is the cheapest Avigilon compatible 3mp camera? does it get near a $130 Dahua? but if they offer it free that they are making their money anywhere.


    not saying it's not a good solution, but I'm yet to see anyone offering a (quality) free ride.

  5. Or you use Avigilon

    One client and many different view setup as you wish


    I don't believe that for a second


    Milestone allows lots of view however they have an actual video wall product that's quite expensive, I bet that no-one else does exactly what it does without charging appropriately


    of note, I have no idea exactly what it does.. sooooo :P

  6. My thoughts on this are that you have to manually position the different displays with the different layout on each monitor. For example, say you have a 3x3 display, you put 9 camera on one monitor in layout 1 and 9 on layout 2. You would have to start the client twice and then move them to the correct display and select the layout you want. This would have to be done manually each time you reboot, no? Not saying it can't be done, but is it feasible. Maybe there's 3rd party multi-monitor software that can do this automatically.


    more or less yes, from memory milestone is pretty good at remembering how you set it up...


    so in theory you could have each client use a different login, then it would remember which position and view it was on

  7. For our large projects 200+ cameras we use HP Procurve switches.




    I have been very happy with them and they come with a FREE lifetime next day replacement warranty.





    Love the HP stuff, the V1920 have a 24 port that's around $800 (all ports 15w, if you get a backup for the switch you can then supply 375w over the whole switch)


    if you need further the 5120 series will do 48 ports all PoE+ managed with BBU (expect to pay $3k for it though)


    I'd always go managed on a reasonable size install, remote camera power usage stats and able to flip a port is golden!



    Yea I have a 5120 but I think it is overkill for all but complicated network needs. The 2920 series is cheaper and the also have POE+ on all ports plus that have hot swappable power supplies.


    yeah we got them pre 2920 launch, would most likely have just grabbed the 2920's if they were out.

  8. For our large projects 200+ cameras we use HP Procurve switches.




    I have been very happy with them and they come with a FREE lifetime next day replacement warranty.





    Love the HP stuff, the V1920 have a 24 port that's around $800 (all ports 15w, if you get a backup for the switch you can then supply 375w over the whole switch)


    if you need further the 5120 series will do 48 ports all PoE+ managed with BBU (expect to pay $3k for it though)


    I'd always go managed on a reasonable size install, remote camera power usage stats and able to flip a port is golden!

  9. Any lens that has fisheye distortion will show this. It can be measured easily with an object of known size placed at different locations, then measuring how many pixels it covers with an image editor.


    you can use the grandeye's (think that was the brand) that did a different lens design and had a better pixel spread, but it's $900 of camera, why bother?




    keep it simple win's everytime

  10. Watching the ACTi's perform at a recent tradeshow in commercial type light, the image quality was pretty good and I believe you can break it up into 6 streams and likely lose less pixels during the conversion, so it may be possible that it's 4MP sensor gives you the same pixels after correction than the Axis 5MP. Also the ACTi is day/night, the Axis is day only.


    Yeah, I think if you REALLY want great quality with a 360 you buy an Arecont (which is a cheating 360) or wait till they get something like a 10mp with good frame rate and a WDR that works properly.

  11. I'm surprised you guys are happy with the quality, the 360's I've played with are horrid by way of quality and dealing with complex light


    What 360's have you played with? I guess, since it's covering 360, the quality will be biased on some angles, specially w/ varying light conditions.. like if on 1 side there is strong light and on the other side it's shady.. i dont think the 360 cam would do dynamic adjustment per frame lol ... it's going to try set itself to best contrast,d-range, etc settings.. but perhaps if under controlled and good lighting conditions..


    I've yet to deploy my first 360 though..


    well, in a factory where we have open doors (bright on one side) and darker (but still illuminated) through the rest of the factory we threw an Axis m3007 which does the built in de-warping, unfortunately when you split a 360 into 4 x normal 90 degree views (what all our other camera's are doing) you end up with something like 4 x 800x600 resolution views, the ones where the open doors stream light in end up so bright you can barely see anything coming in the door way or around the doorway, the darker area's you can see reasonably well.


    after playing with it we'll never buy a 360 again.


    The Good:

    Wide View angle

    single Ethernet cable to a wide area

    Single Milestone licence

    Reasonable for small rooms (say 5m/5m ish) where you want to see what people are doing, but for the price you'd just throw a dome in each corner and get better coverage anyway so why bother?..


    The bad:

    Frame rate sucks, in real situations we're getting maybe 5 frames per second MAXIMUM

    the quality of each view is terrible, we're used to a 3mp 90 degree view and being able to digital zoom in to get a reasonable look at detail, this one is horrid zoomed in.

    Camera can only optimise for a single amount of light, so if part of what your covering is brighter, then that area will always be washed out/white out

    with individual camera's over an area you get different angles of the same event, 360 does not allow that,

    360 does not also let you see person getting closer to the camera, say if you have 4 camera's in a room and someone does something then walks to the exit, normally you have a camera over the door so as they leave you get a nice clear face shot.

  12. there are plenty of camera's that act as their own video server, so in theory all you do is throw the camera on your network and start pointing the various iphone/android applications at it, PC's can use a browser pointed at the IP


    the Geovision thing works for an analog camera, so you would loose a lot of quality vs say a 3mp digital one where remote users would be able to use digital zoom to get details as required...


