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Everything posted by luckyfella

  1. luckyfella

    Best PTZ camera brand

  2. I installed this today and wanted to share pics. Hopefully give a good idea or two to anyone thinking of doing the same. .
  3. luckyfella

    Installation pics of the Dahua PTZ

    I have one of these in their yard about a mile away connected directly to an NVR. With constant recording at 15fps and 1.3mp's, The 2tb went from 1.81tb to 1.31tb in 2 weeks. I added this 2nd PTZ to his store and entered the IP into the NVR so it's recording it remotely. This one he has panning and he wants constant recording on both so I may end up adding a 2nd 2tb.
  4. Try to cut back on the carbs as well,
  5. luckyfella

    Installation pics of the Dahua PTZ

    Here is a daytime video of this PTZ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and here is a night time video, there is suffucient lighting so it looks really nice, but believe me, the IR's on this thing are amazing
  6. Shock beat me to it, but it's a good idea to update the firmware on the camera and the NVR.
  7. luckyfella

    Installation pics of the Dahua PTZ

    LOL, as for the height. I used an extension ladder to get on the lower roof to the right, and than a small extension on the lower roof to get up on the next roof, than a stood on the upper roof and mounted it. I'll post some day and night shots later tonight. I called cablevision today and they bridged the modem for me so I now have remote access to it.
  8. luckyfella

    Camera in indoor swimming pool

    Thats kind of creepy if you ask me. Who wants that?
  9. Just do a test, lower all of your bit rates for every camera to the lowest possible on the main stream. Do some recording and see how it goes. Than, raise them all to the next level up till you get a happy medium. Your sub stream will be better as you mentioned cause your bit rate is lower.
  10. luckyfella

    Installation pics of the Dahua PTZ

    Thanks shock. Your my biggest fan, lol. That's the same PTZ model as the last one I just did. It's actually for the same customer, just a different location. As soon as I square away some network issue, I'll have access to this one. I got it pretty high up there this time. It has a nice shot of his property. This is the model I've been using. I like the 1.3mp over the 2mp cause it responds better when remote access cause the lower resolution requires less bandwidth and it's about 1/2 the price of the 2mp. I do have a 2mp 30x optical ptz on order to just play around with on my terrace. http://www.dahuasecurity.com/products/sd6c120s-hn-403.html
  11. Try lowering the bit rate of each camera. Are you lagging during remote view outside your network? What is your download/upload speed? Go to speedtest.net to find out. But, I would lower your bit rather to 2000-4000 each camera. Also, tell us about your PC, that could be an issue as well.
  12. luckyfella

    iDMSS won't connect remotely

    The browser in the ipad uses http, the app uses TCP. Change port to in your router to the same as the port from. If you want, I can do team viewer with you.
  13. luckyfella

    iDMSS won't connect remotely

    Just because your checking from a PC and log in, does not mean your port is open. A PC uses http port and your ipad uses TCP port. You need to port forward TWO ports in your router. Do you know what your TCP port is? Have you checked that port in canyouseeme?
  14. Yes, you were correct. I have those two model PTZ's in 2 different locations recording onto my 5232 NVR. The PTZ with IR's is just the same any other camera as far as keeping clean. How do you keep a fixed camera clean? I've never experienced needing to clean it. I guess rain or what not rinses it? It is a great camera and I am happy with it. It is the latest Eco Savy model.
  15. luckyfella

    Login Failed in iPad

    Thanks everyone ?
  16. Shock, thanks. I didn't use a pole mount cause the pole was wood. I used strong bolts and bolted one side of the bracket to the pole. There is a space behind the camera, but the cable going into the camera is a compression fitting and it's water tight. The cable comes from the camera and goes up to a sealed outdoor gang box. Water does not travel upward, so those connections are good. I even siliconed the hole that the cable enters just to avoid moisture. The power and cat5 are in flex hose and a compression fitting connects it to the gang box. The cable, camera, and connectors, should last forever.
  17. That is a great PTZ, but it does not have IR so make sure your area is lit up or get an external IR which is hard to do cause that camera moves. Also, keep in mind, it only has 3x optical zoom which is not alot. If anyone is interested, I have a couple of extra of the PTZ's I mounted on that pole. I'm selling those for 800.00. They are 1.3mp, 20x optical, 16x digital, and IR's are good for 300 feet.
  18. I have that PTZ camera. Dahua makes it. It has great night vision as long as there is light. The zoom is not great at only 3x optical also. It's a nice small mini dome which is nice as well. It has 20x optical and the IR's are good for 300 feet.
  19. luckyfella

    Login Failed in iPad

    You should only have one router. You might have a modem and a router, but should only have one router. Your TCP by default should be 37777. You need to port forward 37777 to the IP of the DVR. Set a 2nd rule up, just as you did the computer port and let us know what happens.
  20. I think the title of this post should be changed. Let's make it, if you KNOW how to install both an IP system and an analog system, why would you chose analog over IP? Also, I'm getting annoyed at the price thing. If you shop around, you can get an IP system very reasonable these days. No one should be saying that they would need to save up for an IP rather than buy an analog today. If your buying an 8 channel analog system with cameras and a dvr for under 500.00, than guess what, your getting what you pay for, CRAP. And your going to end up buying a new system with more money so why not spend what you ended up spending and get an IP system with higher resolution than analog? Again, this is all considering the knowledge of installing both systems are there. I think this post should be geared towards the professional installers, not the DIY'rs that want plug and play.
  21. luckyfella

    iDMSS won't connect remotely

    Dahua does not need rtsp. And post here so we know if you got it working or not.
  22. I'm not suggesting one or the other. I'm just saying, the best way to find a good installer is to get referrals, go to previous jobs and look at his work, see if he has a portfolio, anything like that. Do not call an electrician just because it was suggested here, and the same for a security installer. Also, it all depends on the person. If your a good judge of character, that helps. If I have work done to my house, I do not want a salesman coming to sell the job. I want to meet the installer. Ask the company to send the installer to your house to sell the job so you can see who will be doing the install.
  23. luckyfella

    iDMSS won't connect remotely

    Try rebooting the camera, make sure the username and password is 100 percent correct and goto canyouseeme.org and see if the port is open.
  24. Buell, I wouldn't recommend that to everyone. Just cause it worked for you, doesn't mean it's common. I sold a camera kit to an electrician and he asked me to come in and program the internet stuff. I told him, I'm sorry, but it looks like an amateur installed this system! The wires came out the side of the building and he went up to the roof and dropped down for each camera. Than he just wrapped all the connectors with electrical tape. I am the furthest thing from an electrician, but I am a security low voltage guy and every single one of my installs are done better than anyone I've seen. So, my suggestion, is if you want to get anal, hire a security guy and ask him to drive you to one of his previous jobs and see what it looks like.
  25. A good start is to inform us where your located. This forum is viewed by everyone around the world. It is the internet, you know, LOL.