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Karen Love

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Everything posted by Karen Love

  1. Karen Love

    Bandwidth minimum?

    Hello All - So I've been installing Stand alone network DVR's in the NY area and viewing video remotely without any problems. Recently installed same H.264 DVR in a rural area with a DSL from Frontier. After confirming the DVR, router (port forwarding) was all correct. I contacted the DVR manudfacturer and they determined the bandwidth is too low in the area. There was an option to stream at a much lower quality and it worked. Fronteir says the bandwidth is 2.63, Is that bad? what is considered good?
  2. Karen Love

    Bandwidth minimum?

    Additional information The upload speed is only 128kbps I have found an upload speed of 512kbps on other ISPs have no problem streaming video. So it looks like I have an answer...128kbps upload speed is NO GOOD. 512kbps is GOOD. I don't know where the cut off point is though...probably somewhere in the middle. Time Warner Roadrunner offers 512kbps upload speed (5mbps download) as basic service Frontier offers 128kbps upload speed as basic service.
  3. CCTV has becom a little bit of a hobby for me. I help my friends put together home surveilance (we design it and have the guys install it For the main camera, I always reccommend a true day night camera such as a panosonic WV-CP474 or Sanyo VCC-4794. I always describe what I learned on this site about why you want a true day/night with a mechanical cut filter. We then install cheaper bullet cameras with IR - Why does it seem that the cheaper IR cameras in the $180 range look just as good as the box cameras and always look better at night especially a dark night? What is the main advantage of a $300 box camera that needs a seperate houseing and can't "see" in the dark because it has no IR over a decent bullet with IR and a 420 resolution? I tell people that it's better but I can never see why?
  4. Hi, Can you please expand on that answer Do you know what two 24 gauge conductors used together is equal to? 22,20,18?? If CAT5 was used with Baluns for video, can you run either 12VDC or 24AC down the other pairs for power. Any "noise" or interferance? Thanks a bunch
  5. Hi guys- long time since i've been on. I'm very happy with my PDVR-8300 but I'm considering an upgrade. I've read about a feature that, when motion recording is triggered, the system actually writes some video to the HDD that was in Ram before the trigger. So it triggers at 3:00PM but it will record from say 2:58PM. Also I use motion detect but when it rains, It records all day until the rain stops. Any way around that other then disabling motion and hooking up an external trigger? Finally, i want to be able to remotely view playback. As it is now, I can only view real time. any DVR's that have all features of the one I have plus what I want?
  6. Hey guys, when I set my variable focus lens on three different cameras and the adgust the focus, it seems to be super sensitive. I mean you have al this "travel" of blurr and then Bam! it's focused, so you let go but it moves just a tiny tiny bit and it's slightly out of focus. Or you spend the time moving the lever or wheel within it's miniscule focus range to get it perfect but then when you tighten the lock it's slightly "not perfect". I know trial and error but the reason I start playing with the focus is because over time the pictures seem to be slightly out. Any thoughts or is the answer...trial and error and be careful when you tighten the lock
  7. Hey guys, My owners manual on a couple of my cameras mention not to expose them to bright light as it could harm the CCD. I have cameras that at some point of the day have the full sun staring right into the lens. At night, car headlights stare in to the lens. I can't imagine how I could avoid it? They mention "smearing" may result...what's "smearing". Thanks a bunch, Karen
  8. Karen Love

    How does bright light hurt a CCD?

    Thanks Guys! wow, I appreciate the responses. I guess I was thinking no matter what you do with an outside camera on a full sun day the camera would be getting "full sun". I guess that's different then looking right into the sun though.
  9. Karen Love

    How does bright light hurt a CCD?

    Thanks! I have auto iris on a my cameras and the pictures look good (actually very good). I have the camera in a housing but there is not much of an overhang. The sun really hits it heavy in the evening when the sun is just starting to set.
  10. Karen Love

    How does bright light hurt a CCD?

    oops, I forgot I had a signature already so signed it twice
  11. Hi guys! I wrote a post but I can't find it I think I forgot to title it I was wondering what some expert opinions are on splicing RG59 together with the male/male bnc unions? I know its always better to have ONE cable run but how bad is it if you add to an existing run with a bnc connector? Thanks for any thoughts, Karen
  12. [edit by mod- please no links to online stores] Hi all, Anybody use this bullet camera? Thanks, Karen
  13. Karen Love

    Any thoughts or opinions on this camera?

    Thanks for your opinion. I think I'll hold off on that camera...even at $65. I kinda got excited at the original price of $145 and on sale for $65. That's a huge savings. I also figured that it's a Sony EX-View HAD which I read good things about on the forum. There are soooo many cameras out there. I don't need it right away and I'd like to learn a little bit more and get the right camera. I bought a Sanyo Day/night VCC-4794 and I'm not very happy with the night vision, so Id imagine this bullet would be pretty bad. Thanks so much for your fast reply. The special is over today. I'm glad I got your opinion. Karen
  14. Karen Love

    Any thoughts or opinions on this camera?

    I was looking to use it for an outdoor back entrance. Mounting it under an eave. There is an overhead light that lights the entrance pretty bright. The camera would be mounted further away in the dark (20 feet away). They are on sale for $65! What do you think of that price? Karen
  15. Karen Love

    RG59 extensions

    Thanks Guys! -Karen
  16. Karen Love

    RG59 extensions

    Hi Rory, How do you splice the cable? Do you solder the center conductor and braid? Do you butt the end of the center conductor, side by side or twist them? Same question for the braid. Thanks so much. PS Is Rory your first name? I know the name Rory is from Irish decent. -Karen
  17. Sorry to hear that Kevin. Can you bring it back? Of course that doesn't help with re-running a new cable hugh CollinR, what kind of tester are you talking about? They make something that will find a break in the wire? -Karen
  18. Karen Love

    RG59 extensions

    Thanks Douglas!!
  19. Karen Love

    RG59 extensions

    Thanks CollinR, I borrowed my Uncle's tools. He has a RG59 and RG6 stripper. And yeah, I do have siamese cable. I don't know what brand it is though. What are the effects if you splice? lines, graininess, distortion or all of the above? -Karen
  20. Karen Love

    How do you match a camera to a DVR?

    Hi Kensplace, thanks for the welcome Yeah, the DVR is a no brander but it seems to give a decent picture. My current cameras are some older domes with I beleive 330 TVL. Not very crisp but I can identify most people. I thought you were messing with me asking about the Hemi and Yugo but being your from the UK maybe your not messing with me. A HEMI is a big powerfull legendary V8 engine used by Dodge. A Yugo is a tiny little piece of crap car that was imported here in the late eighties. I guess I should find out what the Specs are on my DVR.
  21. Karen Love

    How do you match a camera to a DVR?

    Hi Kevin, I'm new to the forum too! I also have been reading alot. I have a modeling business in NY. I want to upgrade my system and I had the same question you have. I bought a DVR9 el cheapo at SuperCircuits for $600. I like gadgets and tinkering around with PC's, custom lighting and now I want to redo the CCTV in my studio. My friends think I'm crazy (being a girl an all). I guess it's the TomBoy in me I probably need to get a better DVR but it works fine. I need more cameras though. I don't mind paying for better cameras but I just don't want to put a HEMI in a Yugo if you know what I mean.