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Everything posted by bviewer

  1. Hey peeeepz! I got a Kodicom/Diginet DVR 4400 120fps 4-16 chan card and set everything up last week from a place called pinecom "shop.store.yahoo.com/pinecom" Their support so far is terrible along with not answering emails from someone who bought something from them, same with Kodicom/Diginet support. Anyhew, I set everything up and noticed a few things. First, the quality is terrible live or recorded despite changing frame rates on setup. Secondly, the software looks wrong or like something is missing when I compare it to the user manual that it came with. I notice that the full setup and playback function/screens can't be accessed remotely, only the Digicenter remote setup which is a dinky 3 or 4 tabs, doesn't change a thing! I should be able to log in remotely as admin and access the full setup screen and even the full playback program/interface. My main concern is quality and software version. It also said it would sound an alarm before recording on motion using the pc speaker, not there, either internal or external even if I check the alarm"m" tab. Nothing happens, just a faint clicking, so that's disappointing! I'm really upset about the quality though both remotely and even on the dvr system. So, what if I change some of my boxes components like RAM or AGP card, would the difference be enough to compensate and change the quality? I’ve got 160 gig HD, 256mb RAM, 32 AGP, Via motherboard, 1.3gig Celeron processor. The software that came with this card is – Kodicom Diginet Site/Diginet Center. The disk that it came with looked like a kid burned it and put a CD label on it. The only software on the disk was Diginet “patchâ€