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  1. port config: Wich is the mobile celular port??? TCP UDP? what is the another port 36666 ? this IP address is automatically assigned....but isn't the IP of the DVR because my home system is 10.0.0.X what are these 2nd IP and port 36666? regards
  2. I have the following system: I can access from outside through IE8 with all the setting of active X and more....this issue I'm thinking that need to do in the most chipper DVR's. The problem is that I cant access with my nokia Celular. IN OTHER SYSTEM LIKE MYQSEE BRAND, the DVR the uses following ports: 80 http 9000 video 100 celular access. I need to open these ports in my router, later check if success in canyouseeme.org, everything works fine!!! The celular uses MYEYE software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ now back to this ouku system. the manual shows about the ports: but in the DVR SOFTWARE SCREEN I have the following: HTTP port 80 TCP port 10000 UDP port 15961 I have opened these three number in my router, later check in canyouseeme.org 80 success 10000 success 15961 error SEEMS LIKE the DVR cant respond.... WHEN I uses the myeye that come with this dvr in the sysmbian folder software, when I try to connect via mobile phone, just shows connecting....loggining.....but never log to the dvr!!!! ANYBODY HAVE INSTALLED THIS OUKU SYSTEM? WHICH NUMBER OF MOBILE PORT USES? WHY IN THE SOFTWARE INTALLED IN THE DVR DON'T SAYS MOBILE PORT? JUST HTTP / TCP / UDP PORTS SETTING, BUT NO MOBILE WORD. REGARDS,mlm
  3. molleras

    Hello everybody!

    I have a little experience.... I'm Martin and I have installed just two systems, one MYQSEE 8CH in a friend's bar, another ouku 8CH in my home.... regards,MLM " title="Applause" />