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Everything posted by funvoyager

  1. I live on a residential street that cuts through to a major intersection. We have an ongoing problem with pizza delivery drivers speeding and reckless driving down our street. This poses a problem for the 12+ children under 7 who live here. I won't go into the 13-year long history of trying to resolve this problem with the pizza company, city hall, etc. so... I've been using my iPhone and a booster battery mounted on my dashboard in my parked car (on our street) to Skype to my Mac where I do a quicktime video of the streaming results and have been collecting video footage of these pizza delivery cars. They're easy to spot because of the signs they have on the roof of their car. This has been working out great for DAY time recording - but the speeding really picks up after hours when it becomes dark so I need a night-vision solution for this. I've downloaded some "night vision" apps that aren't really night vision and I've been looking unsuccessfully for anything I can either buy all-in-one or put together creatively to capture clear night vision (IR, thermal, or whatever) that will "see" down the street after dark. I can't quite reach my WiFi from the street and sometimes Skype drops calls. I can use my external battery to power one or several pieces of equipment that do this. I should also note I have a 2010 Lexus ES350 - and am seeing some "night vision" accessories for Lexus and BMW (too expensive for me) but hoping maybe anyone out there also knows any way I can use what I have (or affordable purchase) to install on my car and maybe through my navigation screen that I can shoot with my iPhone ?? As an alternative (or add-on) - does anyone know where I can get an app or other solution that would enable me to calculate speed and display on video? I have an iPhone app that calculates speed but not on-coming and only takes pics. Is it possible for me to buy or build a system that will do this for under $400? If not, let me know anyway so I can understand what's out there across the spectrum that I can buy or build. Any suggestions would be great! Thanks!