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Everything posted by Shields

  1. Shields

    Analogue to IP

    Hello My CCTV drama continues. I'm swapping a conventional CCTV system to IP. I've set up the infrastructure, Samsung BNC to IP convertors, IP switches, Transmitters and receivers from building to building. All was going well. Rigged up a PTZ on one end and it transmitted to the other building no problem complete with telemetry. Decided to bring one of the conventionals over to my transmitting room and we got wavy lines, like an earth problem. Thought it might be a phase problem so ran an extension lead from the old control room and still the same problem. Then I connected the camera to an old monitor in my transmitting room and had a perfect picture. It seems that as soon as I connect a camera from the old security room to the Samsung IP converter it messes up. The thing that does my head in is that the rigged up PTZ works fine through the Samsung. This is a brain teaser.
  2. Shields

    Analogue to IP

    Also, when I updated the firmware, I couldn't access the encoder through explorer anymore. It may have reset to the default address of Nope, you need to use firefox. I had big problems with explorer once I updated the firmware
  3. Shields

    Analogue to IP

    Hi, Maybe I have a simple solution for your problem, there is a IP to BNC Converter Device, you can get rid of rebuilding coaxial cables for your reference: http://www.caeetech.com/ethernet-coaxial-cable-conventer.html I'm using one of these for 2 IP cameras and its great.
  4. Shields

    Analogue to IP

    Hi I have got Acti and Axis encoders. The Acti is giving a little interference. The Axis is great but I can't get the PTZ to work. We are running Pelco P protocol but Axis doesn't have a Pelco P driver. Also, when I updated the firmware, I couldn't access the encoder through explorer anymore.
  5. Shields

    Analogue to IP

    We have found out the Samsung encoders are causing the problem. We have tried Bosch but they are giving us a different problem Charlie Chaplin movements. We tried ground loop isolators and still no joy. I think we need to go for a Hybrid DVR