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Everything posted by varascope

  1. I PM'd you for more detailed information.
  2. varascope

    Dahua IP Cams Short Record

    Can you PM me screen shots of Config>Options and also right side config manger>record config templet ?
  3. varascope

    Help with footage

    Can you conver to AVI and repost?
  4. varascope

    Just installed a Zmodo PKD-DK4216

    Check your firmware version. Zmodo has a known published hack vulnerability.
  5. Well this is a rock and a hard place. 1. Should have been legit to start. 2. You should immediately file a lien, if the state will let you without a license. States usually allow 30-90 days to file from the end of the job. 3. Send a certified demand letter with pay or return the equipment. 4. In the future use a licensing system. We use NST DVR's that have a dealer licensing system that protects the dealer. You select the time you want to run as DEMO mode and how many days to expiration. If they don't pay, they have a boat anchor. Completely eliminated dead beats. Some States you can walk in and pick it up. Until they can show a bill of sale it is your equipment till paid for, but......you created a situation that limits your options as well. You can also report to D&B, if they let you. Do you have remote access? Is it PC or embedded?
  6. varascope

    Angle of view calculation

    angle=2arctan * D/2F D=sensor size F=Focal length Is this what you are looking for?
  7. varascope

    Farm CCTV Design

    Only 2 issues I see as potential is 12V voltage drop you need to calculate and adding a surge protector for runs that are building to building or building to post. Your 70 meter run on 18awg cable your looking at 9 vdc at the end for 1Amp. If you are using a camera with IR. It may work during the day and not at night. If the camera specs are correct for 300mA with IR on you should be around 10.7 volts and may operate fine. Try a power supply with a pot that allows you to go up to 14vdc. Is your power supply a distributed power 5 amps total with X per channel?
  8. If it is true that you need 2amps (Seems high) You would need 36vac to pull off 24.89vac at the end. Found this on Ebay $25 MCI Limited Transformer 200-36-120E 115-36V @ 5 Amp NEW
  9. I would recommend using a 28vac transformer. What is your total draw on the remote devices? 28vac at 1100ft with 14awg you will have 22.4 vac at end with a 1Amp Load.
  10. 1. Yes it is possible Can you PM me with your specifics? Would need transformer ratings for voltage and amperage. There are additional parts that need to be installed to make it work correctly. If you have photos of your connections that would help.
  11. varascope

    Dahua IP Cams Short Record

    If you manually browse your 2TB drive, is it 100% full with video files?
  12. Typical POE is: White/Orange Orange/White White/Green Blue/White POE + White/Blue POE + White/Orange Brown/White POE - White/Brown POE - If ever unsure, create a test cable with a plug and on open cable on the other end. Use your meter to test continuity for each pin. Will require you to cut the Dahua cable but leave enough wire exposed to test.
  13. Your looking for an NST HD-SDI system. No lag 1080p images at full 30fps 4ch with 4 vandal domes and 1TB for $2100 shipped. Have in my home.
  14. varascope

    HDMI Cable

    Not always true! There are 17Mhz cables all the way up to 340Mhz cables. Quality will vary depending on the resolution you are sending? 720p 1080i or 1080p.
  15. varascope


    What brand? If you don't know can you post a front and back photo?
  16. varascope

    network video recorder

    You have to do a network load assessment. 1. What is your bandwidth per camera? 2. Frame Rate per camera? 3. Bitrate 4. Resolution and compression? 5. How important are these cameras? Yes you can get 64 or 128 per system but why jam 10lbs in a 5lb sack? Distributing your system: 1. Reduces per system load 2. Limits # of cameras going down at once. Losing 16 vs 64 at one time can be catastrophic. Certain industries have recommendations such as casinos (4 cameras on an 8 ch server for gaming tables) 16 on general areas. Ask your self how can you live with 64,32, 16 etc going down at once. 3. Reduces machine load. Having your processor chugging at a high percentage creates heat and can cause failure. I don't recommend any machine higher than 40% CPU on normal operation and 60% during playback 4. Less cameras per viewing screen makes it easier to see. 16 vs 32 you get the idea As far as determining the right system for you: 1. What matches you cameras manufacturer? 2. What is your budget on machines? 3. What is your budget on licensing? 1024 cameras at $200/ea your $204k into it vs $75/ea at $77k is a big difference. At the end of the day, what you want and what you can afford maybe 2 different things.
  17. varascope

    IP CCTV As a Business

    CCTV as a business is and can be profitable if managed correctly. 1. You should try an analog system first to get your feet wet and to understand the basics. 2. Explorer HD-SDI as well as IP (Each have there niche) 3. Develop a business plan with a marketing plan 4. Have phenomenal support. Because you can understand the system doesn't mean your customer can. They will have questions. I know of training in the USA but know of only 1 in the UK. PM me for details.
  18. varascope

    DVR Firmware and Client Software

    Use internet explorer your first time as 99% of DVR's especially older ones use Active X which runs on IE. (There are exceptions that you can use Active X on Chrome but requires a plugin) Newer DVRs also use Java as an alternative to Active X. Please post back if this works.
  19. Are you looking for indoor or outdoor and what style? Bullet or dome? There are a few out there. You are looking for cameras with 940nm LEDS or higher. The red glow is usually from 800nm LEDS which causes issues with bugs being attracted to them on outdoor applications. If you can be more specific in what you are looking for, I can recommend the right camera(s).
  20. varascope

    Acti or HIK Vision?

    You are looking for the DS-2CD2132-I or DS-2CD2732F-I which work great with your Qnap and is about 10%-15% less expensive. However I prefer ActI over Hikvision in this price range. I have been trying out Messoa which is pretty decent but closer to the $400 range. Our supplier provides a wide range of cameras that work well with QNAP.
  21. Did you try the password that was original before you changed it or no password? Maybe when you changed it, the change did not take. Some DVRs reset button require the button to be held during power up.
  22. varascope

    what is the best dvr to buy

    That is a ambiguous question. What do you need it for? Different DVRs for different reasons. Best in what category? Without the right cameras to go along with it, it is like a Porsche with a lawnmower motor in it. I would recommend you state your situation and environment then ask what is the best "system?"
  23. varascope

    Spectra III and Spectra IV PTZ's

    We have a large selection of used Spectra III and IV. What are you looking for and what quantity? PM me to discuss further.
  24. varascope

    Help identify please model EK0412

    Not sure if it is the same issue but try a new power supply. I had several units with 3 amp 12vdc power supplies that do not power the drives but do exactly as you describe. Does your power supply say Li Shin? Please let me know as I would be interested in the result
  25. varascope

    Help with pin configurations

    Pin 1 Red Pin 2 Green Pin 3 Blue Pin 6 Common GND Will give you component, but not sure if V & H Sync which are part of VGA will work with your setup. You may need to purchase a VGA to component converter box