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Posts posted by mcs

  1. shut down, take out card. remove software, and try again has to be pc issue something wrong there, it could be a number of things... eliminate them one by one, try one thing after another could be ram? could be anything...

  2. I always think that using product brands in quotes is the best, that way if you quote a ganz hi res colour day night say and the next guy quotes oem but you realy need a camera that will do a specific job, then you kan kill his quote just by stating facts. I won a massive job with a 4 page quote compared to his 2 pages it was worth 24k aus. Dont use sub std equipment and treat every job like its for yourself so you have to install to the highest stds and you win by far.


    that way you can assure your clinet they get what they pay for, and thats wahts in the quote. i win many quotes by extended wty ( which costs me bugger all cause I use good ghear good cable and dont go back to jobs.) and also stating facts, product info specs etc and then stating who I have done jobs for before wins me the job unless its based on price..




  3. surely man in the US theres a bunch of suppliers,


    i can drive 150 miles (300kms) and theres 10 easily at my disposale.




    Ganz but not for low light, 25p is a good cam, Bosch new range are great, sony-, pansonic, samsung have a good range now...

  4. thats right...


    rory i dont know what your on about dude i dont really wanna get a stiffy over the look of a cam man if it does the job well if it looks like a ufo who gives a...

    they are good looking cameras and they do the job.. more then id say bout half the crap around


    unless its got sony ccd or sony xview/had then i wouldnt touch it...


    cmos, 380 tvl and everfocus is crap....

  5. m8 i have no ties to bosch other then cctv_aus works there and I have bought from him from his old employer,

    I am TELLING you the XF amazed me man, truly give it a go surely you can get a demo.. I have no ties to bosch and dont receive a commision so there I am an installer in the same state as cctv_aus sells...


    I have seen it with my own eyes I have been in the industry since 1994 and have a **** load of experience I have quite a number of large cctv sites inc 47 cameras with 3 gv900 dvr's on one site man 1.5km cable and fibre between the buildings, network connected and dsl enabled to remote view...


    thats just one site...


    oh did i menation the 3 yr wty bosch do and prog down the coax, bilnix

  6. yes true true if i had a resturant with hawt beeches or a shop near the beech i would do the same LOL


    but you will find the new bosch xf day/nighter to be a good cam for this situation even in dark its still clear in colour, I agree the Ganz are cost effective but will not go to the extreme for the light levels without loosing quality.. the panasonic cameras are good for hi res crystal clear images and ive seen some that go to near 0 lux using some background lighting to enhance the picture.


    otherwise just use a colour day nighter with IR leds cheap bullet style ones around, if they last 2 yrs who cares replace them. the fact stated above about the 3yr wty is a sales gimmic ive seen cameras with 12 mths last 5-10 yrs it all comes down to what you wanna spend...

  7. how close are they getting to the house get some pin hole cameras and stick in obvious places which when hidden so you can detect the stalker but they wont know they are there. drawback is they arent Auto iris for daytime and they are restricted with what you can get. kobi did have a .001 lux BW pinhole ages ago, but havent bought off them for 6 yrs... but if you do your homework then youll get what you need like RORY said get some beams and use them on a dvr to trip the recorder on event mode to start recording b4 the stalker can get top the cables, set up a silent alarm with beams and send cops or patrol to investigate?


    if its a regular occurence then hire a PI or call the cops? that way they will get the stalker quickly and charge them

  8. also make sure that if they are loggin in with GUEST that its not set for a timeout after so long... other then that it could be your network


    just use webcam to view it remotely no software to load and its easy to use from ANYWHERE in the world

  9. Baluns can do - 4 cameras from 1 x cat 5 ie 4 pairs...


    no power required, (Passive)

    600m b/w 300m colour


    amps can extend distances acheived, - (Active) can acheive 2400m


    Less cross talk. less prone to interference at 100 ohm impedence



    watch earth loops in buildings seperate housings from metal buildings etc when using a dvr , can save some headaches later-

    i managed 200m from colour at a site, and i scotch locked two boxes 610m cat five and stuck a balun on each end and got clear as day picture from an infrared cam....



  10. I use a no brand standalone, better then the everfocus-

    pm me and ill send you info, i think you could buy online or purchase from outside of this country- about same price but 16channels.....


    You can compare the specs and see how you go.....


    Everfocus is just cheap... cameras are sometimes ok for quality but theres better around for same if not better pricing....



  11. TRY


    www.altechvision.com (sales_bne@altechvision.com.au)


    they are relaible and have good pricing....


    61730172080 ask for Stephen and tell him Middy sent you...


    GEOvision is the BEST on the MARKET.. nothing else even compares, tellme what dvr can do item tracking, image counting, there are features I havent even used on these machines,


    Ive built a few and also bought a few units preconfigured for WTY-

    Im doing a 9 cam system now with GV1000 for quality and quoting another GV1000 with 11 cams as we speak....


    if you dont use GEO ur a fool, and not offering your customers the best, Pricing is competitive NOW it wasnt always before....



  12. all ive built is gv900 and gv1000 systems,

    I think anything under 15fps per camera on an 8 ch system is poor.

    I use standalones if they cant afford a pc based machine...


    Id prefer quality then just a machine...


    25fps pal is the best our opposistion cant beat us with 100 fps global on 16 cameras. hahahaha



  13. I had a similar problem over a few months ago at a storage shed facility-


    seemed like an endless problem,


    seriously other than pulling new cable - which would be the most expensive part of the excersise, then using low cost baluns- $ 10ea end or 4 way balun for 50 bucks ea end,


    I actually insulated the cams from the metal frmaes with a large piece of teflon, similar to bread board material-

    Fixed the problem, its a prb when connecting to a dvr-


    If you have multiple cable runs or camer runs in the same line area its cheaper and more reliable to run FIBRE- multimode or single.. various transmissions on one cable with splitters etc,


    hope you solve it-
