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Everything posted by zaheertaj

  1. zaheertaj

    Generic DVR password reset

    User 88888888 Password 88888888
  2. Send ur dvr to dealer for reset. I give u support only via team viewer. But it is not possible go to ur seller or dealer. Only way to resolve ur broblem. Thanks
  3. Can I access ur pc via team viewer. ?
  4. I give u a cms link please install that cms.
  5. same mac don't creat problem on lan. frist of all u reset both dvr to factory default go setup and advance restor default select all. hit ok and restart dvr then set ip 8 ch (etc and 4 ch (etc some old dvr in network set ip menu area mac change able. use cms software both dvr work. i test this and working for same mac. cms download from here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ehsmc365qax92cq/General_CMS_Eng_V1.0.0.8.T.20101202.zip?dl=0 thanks
  6. zaheertaj

    one modem two routers Cascading

    Second router DHCP off and 1st router lan cable insert 2nd router lan port. all work fine.
  7. zaheertaj

    NVSIP website problem

    Internet Explorer ver 11 set security low
  8. zaheertaj

    Deleting profile

    Pm to admin
  9. zaheertaj

    Help resetting Admin password

    admin Password is 666666
  10. U got mac addr mismatch error. U see eprom 25q128 and small ic 88sc104?
  11. Please send login screen picture. And login error code.
  12. zaheertaj

    Generic DVR password reset

    I don't sell tool. Its original company tool. But work on some type of clone dvr nvr and ipc. Its give me company for tech support. I am dvr installer.
  13. zaheertaj

    Generic DVR password reset

    its supplier don't give back support. its chines. and p2p dvr. may be its clone . thanks
  14. zaheertaj

    Generic DVR password reset

    please chk pm
  15. zaheertaj

    Generic DVR password reset

    password is 119703015 please try
  16. zaheertaj

    Generic DVR password reset

    please correct error code?
  17. zaheertaj

    Generic DVR password reset

    please send error code pm error code
  18. DS-7608NI-E2/8P0820160224AARR576688843WCVU date code 08-04-2016 qQeyrzQqer 09-04-2016 SyzS9rzzdR 10-04-2016 rQzyS9Q9yr
  19. 1- DS-2CD1002D-I20150730AAWR531038022 2-DS-2CD1002D-I20150729AAWR531037889 1. date pass 05/04/2016 qdSryySeyR 06/04/2016 SeyyeRQyde 07/04/2016 qzeqeqyrqy 2. date pass 05/04/2016 rQy9qeSS9q 06/04/2016 qSqSSQQqyz 07/04/2016 RSqSd9yeq try with sadp tool
  20. zaheertaj

    Generic DVR password reset

    please send login screen picture.
  21. zaheertaj

    hikvision DS7616 pasword reset problems

    please send full serial # i will send u passcode for sadp tool help to reset password.
  22. please send me dav file i will convert it english.
  23. 1620150818aawr536195303wcvu date code 05/04/2016 qQzeQ9QRqr 06/04/2016 qrzQz9eqQ9 07/04/2016 qRrzSyyS use with sadp tool to recovery.