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Everything posted by Hunter2k

  1. Hunter2k

    reset or passowrd defullt H.264

    Make sure you have no power voltage going to the DVR before attempting to do this. This sometimes works and reverts everything back to its default settings. Method 1: Try removing the battery from inside the DVR for around 2 mintues and then replace everything back and power the dvr Method 2: Remove battery and power the dvr and wait until it loads.Once loading cycle is completed then power down and put the battery back in. Above methods do work aslong as the DVR does not have an internal eeprom usually a 24LCXX
  2. Hunter2k

    Austar 4ch DVR 2736 password reset

    Definitely worth networking and follow my previous post. Do report back
  3. Hunter2k

    Austar 4ch DVR 2736 password reset

    If you know the ip address of your dvr then its worth doing the following test. 1. click on "start" button on taskbar under windows xp/vista/win7 2. then click on " Run" 3. type the following without the quotes "telnet dvr ip" and then press ok Note: substitute dvr ip like this --> telnet if it asks for a login details then please report back and i will digout the username and password and then show you how to reset the admin account. This method mostly works with chinese dvrs that run linux. Hopefully should work for you.
  4. I have a Alien DVR model DSD105 i require the firmware file as the DVR tends to hangs on boot up and pauses for about 20sec on the splash screen and then does a reboot cycle each time. I will probably have to remove the TSOP EEprom to program the firmware. I just can not seem to find the firmware for this 4 channel dvr. I hope someone here can help. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hunter2k

    Hello everyone

    Nice forum, wealth of information. I hope some can help me. I have a Alien DVR model DSD105 i require the firmware file as the DVR tends to hangs on boot up and pauses for about 20sec on the splash screen and then does a reboot cycle each time. I will probably have to remove the TSOP EEprom to program the firmware. I just can not seem to find the firmware for this 4 channel dvr. I hope someone here can help. Thanks in advance.