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  1. im about to install some emitters. they are nothing fancy, just about the size of a standard ir camera. the job has a existing 24 v powersupply with a step down transformer at the 12v camera. should we purchase 24v emitters or just single out the power for the emitters entirely? p.s. im a newbie to emitters
  2. i guess it depends on what you want to see or obtain i case of a criminal act. infra red cameras are good, but if you want to zoom in more on something then a varifocal-day night camera would be good also. im about to put up some infra red cameras on the sides of the house to get an overall view, but my front door and driveway which i park my vehicles i got a day night varifocal dome(weatherproof of course). if your planned front door camera is low enough for someone to vandalize or steal, trust me, they will if they see it. something covert there may be a good idea for that too. not sure if they make infra red varifocal cameras, if they do , i never worked with them yet. if anyone has, please fill me in. may need to think about decent dvr set up instead of a vcr to get good playback quality. hope this helps.
  3. junya

    cat 5 to rg59 via balun????

    thanks for the info. im guessing on 300 ft, more like 275. i do use the connectors you mentioned also. thanks again
  4. can you splice rg59 to cat5 using a balun? heres the scenario, i got about 30 ft from camera to splice point which is rg 59. i got about 300 from splice point to home of cat 5. well, i wont blame anyone but my co worker pulled six rg59s home instead of seven. the pull was pretty hard and took us 5 hours (underground, existing wires in pipe etc). anyway, i was planning to grab a spare pair from a cat5 which we ran also. boss said that a cat5 pair of video to 59 via balun wont work and the video will be distorted. our company uses vigitron baluns. is it possible as i am hoping, or does anyone have info that may help me from pulling another wire? thanks! p.s. its hard to find good help nowadays!
  5. does that have a agc setting? on camera or dvr?
  6. Anyone know of a thread or link etc. that shows approximate voltage dropoff showing length of run, gauge of wire, both 24v ac and 12 v dc? per device; Ptz, fixed cam, ir illuminators etc?