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  1. espkc

    Problems with octupus cable

    We have also had some problems with the D-sub - BNC octopus cables included with the Geo systems. The newer kits seem to feature cables of lesser quality. Failures have not been consistent, ranging from loss of a single camera, to loss of all 8. Excessive noise has also been attributed to the octopus cables. We are now ordering extra cables from Esentia and testing all inputs before shipping.
  2. Hello all. My name is John Wilks, and I have a small company in Kansas City that provides communications and surveillance products to retail and restaurant customers in the Midwest. We primarily use Geovision-based DVR's, but I am always looking for new technology, as well as information on the many CCTV products on the market I look forward to learning as much as possible in this forum, and hopefully I can share a bit of my own experience. Regards, John