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Everything posted by BonfireCZ

  1. Hello everyone, after long hours spent looking for some easy application for my customers for just viewing image from HiSilicon Hi3515 based H.264 DVRs (chinese) I've decided to make my own DVR sofware. It's written in .NET using VLC Media Player ActiveX library. It plays RTSP stream from URI like: rtsp://(IP):(PORT)/user=(USER)&password=(PASSWORD)&channel=(CHANNEL_NR)&stream=(QUALITY).sdp?real_stream--rtp-caching=100 It took about 15 minutes to create it, so it's not bulletproof and maybe it can be sometimes unstable, but maybe can help somebody who is looking for the easiest Windows based DVR viewer for noobs (i.e. my customers - they can only click on "connect" and just look at stream). Download link: http://www.shinysoftware.net/easydvr/setup.exe (about 23MB, because it's installer with optional VLC runtime libraries. Do not install them if you have installed working VLC player with ActiveX libraries!) Screenshots: If interested, for linux users I've made PHP script on my website using VLC Mozilla plugin, so I can provide its source code (same functionality). If wanted, I can modify it (or make more universal app) for another DVRs which supports RTSP streaming or translate app to another language.
  2. BonfireCZ

    Easy DVR Viewer - for chinese h264 DVR

    Hi, sorry it is only for windows, and it doesn't seem working under linux with wine
  3. 420TVL vs 480TVL vs 960TVL
  4. or you can try higher TVL cameras. I have few 420TVL and 800TVL and the quality is much higher (but still limited to D1 resolution)